Brantford-Brant Annexation Agreement
The then-Township of Brantford and City of Brantford agree on lands to be annexed into the city, including 277 Hardy Rd. and 125 Golf Rd. -
City of Brantford Northwestern Area Development Study
Study prepared by J.D. Lee Engineering Ltd. -
Official Plan Amendment No. 38
The city's official plan is extended to the recently annexed areas. -
Industrial Land Study Strategy Report
Report concludes 600 to 750 hectares (1,482 to 1,853 acres) of serviceable industrial land needed in the City of Brantford. It recommends the city's northwest. -
Provincial funding
City enters into agreement with province that provides $10 million to develop the northwest area for industrial uses. -
Provincial order under Environmental Assessment Act
Provincial order exempts portions of the northwest area from the environmental assessment process but requires a secondary plan with background studies. -
City of Brantford Northwest Industrial Area Study
Study accepted at committee of the whole, including conceptual land use plan and development policies for the northwest area south of Highway 403. -
Agreement for access and infrastructure
City signs agreement with TCG Materials Ltd., Ruth Davidovits and Starlight Homes (Hardy Road land now owned by Sifton) to allow access to infrastructure in the northwest area. -
Official Plan Amendment No. 32
OPA 32 allows for some residential development in the northwest but mostly designates land parcels for industrial development. Concerns were later received from Ministry of Natural Resources indicating the policies don't include enough protection for provincially significant wetlands. -
Draft Plan and Environmental Protection Plan for the Northwest Industrial Area
Northwest Gateway Park Steering Committee formed
Aim of committee is to make recommendations for funding opportunities, a long-term master plan considering heritage, recreational, economic and tourism opportunities. -
Northwest Master Plan
Plan prepared by Weslake Inc.— identifies natural and heritage resources, methods to link those features, how to manage the spaces and control development adjacent to them. Includes Sifton property, but not Grandview Ravines land on Golf Road. -
Plan of subdivision for Northwest Industrial Area
Plan #2M-1854, which includes the eastern portion of the northwest area. -
Northwest Master Plan Phase 3
Prepared by Weslake Inc., and includes the Grandview Ravines lands. -
Telephone City Aggregates Inc. acquires Blue Circle lands
City receives a letter indicating the purchase has occurred and that TCA intends to pursue residential development on the lands. -
Plan of subdivision for northwest industrial area
Plan #2M-1870 for the western portion of the northwest industrial area. -
Applications filed for Grandview Lands, 125 Golf Rd.
McNeill / Barcham (now Grandview) files applications for official plan amendment, rezoning and draft plan of subdivision for medium-density housing. -
Application filed official plan amendment on Sifton lands, 477 Hardy Rd.
Brant Star (land currently owned by Sifton) files for an official plan amendment, rezoning and plan of subdivision, seeking medium-density housing. -
Brantford Tufa mounds — Earth Science ANSI
Report released on tufa mounds, the unique formations found in portions of the Sifton-owned lands. Based on field work conducted in November and December of 2004. -
2120471 Ontario Inc. (First Urban) buys 277 Hardy Rd.
Property purchased from Brant Star. Property currently owned by Sifton. -
Rizzo submits applications for development at 245 Hardy Rd.
Rizzo submits applications for official plan amendments, zoning amendments and draft plan of subdivision for 245 Hardy Rd., for estate lots and medium-density townhouses. -
Sifton acquires 277 Hardy Rd.
Sifton purchases 277 Hardy Rd. from 2120471 Ontario Inc. (First Urban). -
Grandview Ravines Inc. buys 125 Golf Rd.
First direction from city council on WMP
After a series of other reports over the years on the Grand River corridor through Brantford, council provides direction for a report on producing a Waterfront Master Plan for consideration as part of the 2009 budget. -
Ward meeting held for various applications
A meeting is held for the Sifton, Grandview and Rizzo applications for official plan amendments, zoning amendments and plans of subdivision. -
Six Nations of the Grand River letter
City receives letter indicating Six Nations' interest and that parcels are subject to existing land claims between Six Nations and provincial and federal governments. -
Northwest Gateway Environmental Committee meeting
Committee meets to discuss Sifton, Grandview and Rizzo development applications. -
Ferrero Canada letter to city
Ferrero Canada Ltd. writes, concerned over potential Grandview Ravines residential development. -
WMP terms of reference
Council adopts waterfront master plan terms of reference. -
Sifton letter on land claims
Sifton write the city indicating it has been unable to resolve alleged land claims issues. -
Public meeting on Hardy Road area development
WMP terms of reference
Recent draft of terms of reference approved by council. -
MNR TUFA email
Email indicating Ministry of Natural Resources is interested in seeing the TUFA protected. -
THRACC concerns delivered
City receives copy of database from The Hardy Road Area Citizens' Committee with comments in opposition to proposed developments. -
Residents meet for WMP
Meeting held with area residential property owners in the northwest over the waterfront master plan. -
Money set aside to implement WMP
Council votes to set aside $350,000 a year of casino revenue for the waterfront master plan for a period of five years. -
Sifton files OMB appeal
Sifton files notices of appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board over 277 Hardy Rd. for the city's failure to deal with its development applications. -
Culminating public meeting for WMP
Consultants shared preliminary recommendations that would be contained in the waterfront master plan. -
Council endorses WMP recommendations
Approval of recommendations contained in the report, direction to return with official plan policy changes in 2011. -
Grandview Ravines files OMB appeal
Grandview files Notices of OMB appeal for 125 Golf Rd., claiming city failed to deal with official plan amendment and plan of subdivision applications for proposed development. -
Grandview Properties Inc. files more OMB appeals
Grandview files notice of OMB appeal, over city's failure to deal with its rezoning application for proposed development at 125 Golf Rd. -
Consultants hired to support WMP
Following an in-camera meeting, council votes to hire two consultants to prepare supporting documents for the waterfront master plan as it applies only to the Sifton and Grandview properties. -
Informal notice of ICBL
City posts informal notice of its intent to pass an interim control bylaw (IBCL) that would prohibit development on Sifton and Grandview lands. -
Council approves ICBL
Interim Control Bylaw approved in special council meeting temporarily restricting development on Sifton and Grandview lands. -
Sifton OMB pre-hearing
First pre-hearing conference on Sifton appeals. -
Grandview appeals ICBL to OMB
Sifton appeals ICBL to OMB
Ward meeting on WMP instruments
Ward meeting held to discuss the city's plans to implement the waterfront master plan recommendations in the northwest. -
Council passes bylaw to implement WMP on northwest
Bylaw passed by council that implement restrictions recommended by the waterfront master plan to the Sifton and Grandview lands. -
OMB appeals on WMP measures
Sifton Properties and 1272274 Ontario Inc. in trust and Goldie Davidovitz file OMB appeals on the measures used to implement waterfront master plan in the northwest. -
WMP appealed by group
Lucia Joniec, Rosa Kendra, Janine Heather and Susan Hardy appeal the waterfront master plan instruments. -
Grandview appeals WMP instruments
Grandview appeals the waterfront master plan measures on its property to the Ontario Municipal Board. -
Ferrero appeal of WMP
Ferrero Canada Ltd. files appeal of waterfront master plan measures. -
Various parties file WMP appeal
Sago Yesahta, Hodiskeagehda, Telephone City Aggregates, Samuel Rizzo Estates Inc. appeal the waterfront master plan measures to the Ontario Municipal Board. -
OMB consolidates appeals
The Ontario Municipal Board consolidates all the various appeals filed for properties and land use in the city's northwest. -
WMP implementation strategy approved
Council votes to approve waterfront master plan stragegy and task force mandate. -
TCA files applications for 375 and 395 Hardy Rd.
Telephone City Aggregates files applications for rezoning and subdivision approvals for 375 and 295 Hardy Rd. for residential purposes. -
Council directs official plan amendment to implement WMP
Council votes to approve recommendation that an official plan amendment be prepared to implement the Waterfront Master Plan into the city's planning policies. -
Open house on WMP amendments
An open house is held on the official plan amendment to put the waterfront master plan into policy. -
Witness statements exchanged
All the various parties exchange witness statements in preparation fo the upcoming OMB hearing. -
Period: to
OMB hearing, first block
Period: to
OMB hearing second block
Period: to
OMB hearing block three
Period: to
OMB hearing block four