Hannah's Timeline

By eshank
  • Good Grades

    I want to get A's and B's all year. I will work hard and take my time to study before a test. I will make flash cards for history words and study them.
  • Graduate 8th Grade

    I want to graduate from the 8th grade. I will get good grades all year and I will focus on my work.
  • Get community hours

    take the time to earn them and add them to the naviance page. Get enough hours to graduate high school.
  • Graduate Highschool

    Graduate Highschool
    I want to graduate high school. I will study hard and work hard to get good grades. I'll study before a test and won't let other things get in the way of my goal.
  • Go to college

    Graduate high school and get accepted into a college.
  • Job

    I will focus on making my dream job's come a reality by focusing and practicing them. I will write and study and try to get into a good college to achieve my goals to get a good job.