Into (birth)
My personality is outgoing but I can be quiet when I am around people I do not know or like. Another strong trait of myself, is my determination. My perspective on life is optimistic. My goals in life is to be involved in sports forever, and become a gym teacher/coach. -
Uncle Bud's funeral
At a very young age I did not really understand what death really was. This funerl was the first one I have ever been to before. During his wake where they show the dead body, my parents decieded to show my brother and I the body. When I went to the casket and saw the man, to me I thought he was fake sleeping, so I wait for him to move. I swear he winked at me and I screamed in a room full of people, "he moved!!!". My parents were cracking up, while others were sobbing. -
Uncle Buds funeral part 2
That incident I learned to remain quiet, and speak when appropriate because I disturbed a wake.To this day I am sometime watchful and quiet to what I have to say. -
Branham hockey camp cont.
This game taught me to be more outgoung. Also it taught me how to speak to adults politely for future interviews. -
Branahm Hockey camp
This hockey camp lasted for a week. During this camp I learned on developing my hocley skills, nutrition, team work, working out, and interview skills. The camp lasted for 8 hours during the day. On one of the days there was a handshaking contest. The contest consisted of shaking one of the coachs' hand and answering a question without faltering. Round after round people would be eliminated. At the end I won it and beat guys who were five years older then me. -
World's largest Girls Hockey tournament
In third grade I went to a hockey tournament in Canada, where I played agaist teams who were from all around the continent. Here I learned that I wanted to be involved with sports for the rest of my life. This tournament encouraged me to want to look for a career in sports. This started to help me form a goal of becoming a gym teacher/coach. -
When I broke my arm part 2
I became more derermined because I was attacked for being a girl. I strived to be better, this gave me a more competitive nature against others and the determination I have today. -
I broke my arm.
In sixth grade I broke my arm in a hockey game. I played in this hockey game, because my brother's team needed an extra player. There is a huge rivalry between the teams. Near the end of the third period a guy on the other team took a cheap shot at me because I was a girl on an all boy hockey team. The guy ended up flipping me and I land straight on my elbow. I factured my elbow. This change the way I acted around people. After having time to reflect from that, I became more determined. -
Gina Bronge Recipient
In seventh grade I recieved this award for outstanding leadership, courage, skills, and kindness. This award goes to female hockey players who demostrated those traits. This award grants the female hockey player with scholarship money. This helped me realize that hard work and determinatin pays of in the end. These traits I held, helped me learn how to deal with life lessons, giving me a strong sense of what is wrong or right. -
Due date of the project