Hannah Gier's Cell Theory Timeline

  • 334

    Artisole encourages spontaneousgeneration

    Artisole encourages spontaneousgeneration
    Aristotle was a firm believer in spontaneous generation, the belief that nonlivng things like mud could generate living tissue. Aristotle said that different animals generated based on what the material's elements and pneuma. For example, oysters grow in slime and flies generate on top of decaying vegetable or meat matter. This would eventually be proved wrong by Louis Pasteur's experiment.
  • Zacharius Janssen invents the first microscope

    Zacharius Janssen invents the first microscope
    Zacharius Janssen worked with his father to invent the first microscope. His invention helped lead to the rejection of spontaeous generation because hid device allowed scientists to observe the cells of different organisms
  • Jan Baptist van Helmont came up with a theory about mice

    Jan Baptist van Helmont came up with a theory about mice
    Jan Baptist van Helmont was a strong believer in Abiogenesis. His belief in this led him to the thought that if you mix a dirty shirt with several wheat grains, it will produce mice after 21 days. This theory lead to the rejection of spontaneous rejection because more scientists wanted to test out the theory
  • Robert Hooke discovers the cell

    Robert Hooke discovers the cell
    The cell was discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. He examined, under a coarse, compound microscope, very thin slices of cork and saw a multitude of tiny pores that he remarked looked like the walled compartments a monk would live in. Because of this association, Hooke called them cells, the name they still bear. However, Hooke did not know their real structure or function. (these "cells" were actually the remains od dead plant cells)
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered what bacteria was and other information about it

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered what bacteria was and other information about it
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek took what Robert Hooke said and added more too it. He discovered what bacteria was. He helped lead to the rejection of spontaneous generation by showing that all bacteria will grow and random animals don't come from abiotic things.
  • Lorenz Oken came up with the first part of the cell theory

    Lorenz Oken came up with the first part of the cell theory
    Lorenz Oken stated that all living things are made up of cells and are made from cells. This eventually helped lead to the first part of the cell theory being created, based on this statement.
  • Robert Brown discoverd the nucleas and its characteristics

    Robert Brown discoverd the nucleas and its characteristics
    In 1831, Robert Brown, a botanist, had studied plants for a living. He published in a paper from his studies that plant cells had a cell wall and a nucleus, and that the nucleus had a lot to do with the making of the embryo. By doing this, he named the nucleus and also imlied that it was at the center of the cell. This helped with the rejection of spontaneous generation.
  • Matthias Schleiden concluded that all plants have cells

    Matthias Schleiden concluded that all plants have cells
    Matthias Schleiden concluded that all plants have cells. Therefore plants are living things, just like animals are living things. This idea helped lead to the rejection of spontaneous generation because knowing that all plants are made from cells, and that al cells come from other cells, the connection was made that all plants must come from other plants that once lived. They don't just appear out of no where.
  • Theodor Schwann concludes that animals are mde of cells.

    Theodor Schwann concludes that animals are mde of cells.
    Theodor Schwann took Matthias Schleiden's idea but extended it to say not only plants are made up of cells, but animals are to. He as well made it known that all cells are organisms, and all organisms are made of at least one cell. This helped prove the rejection of spontanious generation because the animals have to come from somewhere, not from an abiotic gactor that does not have cells.
  • Louis Pasteur dicovered it was the air that spoiled soup

    Louis Pasteur dicovered it was the air that spoiled soup
    Louis Pasteur repeated the soup expiriment thay many other scientists had tested already. He discovered that soup only spoils when it is exposed to the air. This expiriment rejected spontanious generation because he learned that the bacteria was not born into the soup, but came from the air.
  • Rudolph Virchow states that all cells come from pre-existing cells

    Rudolph Virchow states that all cells come from pre-existing cells
    Rudolph Virchow suggested that all cells come from pre-existing cells. His aphorism’omnis cellula e cellula’ meaning every cell from a pre-existing cell became the foundations of division, even if the process was not fully understood then.He also stated that not all plants are made up of cells,which eventually lead to the creation of the cell theory.
  • Albrecht von Roelliker realized sperm cells and egg cells are also cells.

    Albrecht von Roelliker realized sperm cells and egg cells are also cells.
    Albrecht von Roelliker realized sperm cells and egg cells are also cells. This helped the rejection of spontaneous reproduction.