
Half Blood Robot

  • Dr Oiganbendick is Born

  • World War 2 Starts

    World War 2 Starts
    After the almost as terrible World War 1, The people of Europe were exhausted and defeated. When strong extremely charismatic leaders came in promising better times no matter how great it sounded the populace generally would vote for them. This sadly created World War 2, The largest war in human history next to the Kah Awarakh Invasion. Over 50 Million People Died (About a 30th of the amount that died in the Invasion). Hitler is essentially the human Gixon. Sarge served in this war.
  • Roswell UFO Incident

    Roswell UFO Incident
  • Area 51 Base Founded

    Area 51 Base Founded
    Credited as the base that kept 20 Kah Awarakh babies incubated for research and a few others killed, Leading the rage which would cause the Kah Awarakh invasion. The World's most secretive base was also creating many top secret weapons we see in Half Blood Robot.
  • Discovery of Element RX

    Discovery of Element RX
    The World's most powerful, expensive and useful earth mineral is discovered in huge numbers in mines deep underground in Australia and The Middle East. Element RX, also known by it's nickname "Smart Crystal" Is credited as being the reason many of Half Blood Robot's technologies are possible.
  • Kath is Born

  • Australian Mining War

    Australian Mining War
    A minor war starts deep in the Australian Outback over poor townsmen wanting element RX for themselves, stealing it in droves from mining sites which they thought was being built far too close to their homes. It gets to the point where professional mining companies start hiring military groups to fend off the greedy townspeople. This is how the Dragon Croc Mercenary group is formed. The war ended in 1980. 39 Deaths.
  • Dragon Crocs Mercenary Group Founded

    Dragon Crocs Mercenary Group Founded
  • Vetrix is Born

  • Unknown Major Airport Terrorist Attack

    Therodorne creates a major scare in airports worldwide, by using a huge hack. Airports across the world become quite chaotic, some even abandoned as a result
  • Phoenix Lights

    Phoenix Lights
  • 9/11

    The September 11 Attacks on the World Trade Center in New York is credited as being a major driving force of the Kah Awarakh Invasion.
  • Gordon Trish is elected as US President

    Gordon Trish is elected as US President
  • Invasion of Area 51

    Invasion of Area 51
    After The Kah Awarakh royal family received a distress signal from a kidnapped Kah Awarakh at Area 51, under the cover of darkness in the middle of the night the Kah Awarakh travel from their planet and launch a surprise attack on Area 51, killing everyone razing the base to the ground and stealing every piece of hardware there for themselves. The US Government covers up the attack, but President Trish spends over 50 Million dollars to upgrade the united states military.
  • First Contact

    First Contact
    After having undercover "Stalkers" hidden amongst humans, The Kah Awarakh learn of human history and find out that the only other Intelligent Race like theirs is nothing but a large collection of warped, evil madmen in their eyes. They launch a surprise full blown invasion on earth, under the orders of supreme leader Gixon sending almost a billion Kah Awarakh soldiers in over 75 Million Ships all looking to destroy. The Kah Awarakh want the planet for themselves afterward.
  • New York Falls

    New York Falls
    The Kah Awarakh started the invasion on American Soil and by less than 2 weeks they had completely destroyed Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Dallas. The hardest to take over was New York, due to the large military interference, but on the night of 20th of November they completely wiped out the city, killing almost everyone.
  • A.V.N.S.C.A Are First Used

    A.V.N.S.C.A Are First Used
  • EX10110 Awakens in Heaven Heights

    EX10110 Awakens in Heaven Heights
  • Coum is Killed