Haleys Personality Timeline

  • Starting Kindergarten

    Starting Kindergarten
    This day made me feel excited. I was wearing my favorite; Tinkerbell and I was excited to learn new words. I remember picking out my supplies in my favorite color so i was even more thrilled to go with all my stuff being pink!
  • The 2011 Flood

    The 2011 Flood
    I chose this picture because my grandma worked at this exact location. This event made me feel scared because I was only in 1st grade and remember not being able to go to the grocery store and if we did have to get something we would have to try and find our way around.
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    This was super exciting. She is one of the closest people in my life, and having a little sister and not being the youngest anymore was a big part of my life. It taught me responsibility and to care for younger children.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    This event was on my birthday. I was interested yet frightened. Me being 7 that day , I didn't know too much but I knew it wasn't a good thing and me and my grandma would look for updates together. It was a scary birthday to remember.
  • My Moms Wedding

    I was only 10 years old and it was in a big field in our backyard. I remember wearing a beautiful dress.
  • Stomach bug/ Asthma

    I had the stomach bug at age 7, and I was really sick. Then the next day I couldn't breathe, so I ended up in the hospital with both. They thought I had pneumonia
  • First day of Highschool

    First day of Highschool
    This was a big day for me. I remember picking out my outfits weeks before, stressing about my supplies and making sure everything was right be cause I was so nervous to be in a new school.
  • Covid 19 Outbreak

    Covid 19 Outbreak
    This changed the world. This event scared me and im sure everyone else. It made our everyday lives turn into many restrictions. School, public, health, etc.
  • Biden is President

    I remember the controversy and issues regarding politics between students at school and many adults around me. It was a big debate,
  • Canada Wilfires

    This made me feel anxious. I remember seeing the air quality alerts when I was leaving school and limiting my breathing outside. It was foggy and the sky was orange and brown.