My goal
I have decided that i will put away at least $30 from every paycheck i recieve to save at least $400 for my trip to New York by Spring Break. -
Period: to
My SMART goal
My goal is to put away roughly $30 dollars from each paycheck i get every other week to save at least $400 for my choir trip to New York by March 27th. I already have a little over $160. -
Get paycheck
I get my paychecks on Wednesdays and ill put away $30. -
first payment
I will make my first payment deposit of $140 to Mrs. Selvidge. -
Second Payment
Make Second payment deposit of $250 to Mrs. Selvidge -
Third Payment
Make third payment of $250 to Mrs. Selvidge. -
Fourth Paymnent
make fourth payment of $250 to Mrs. Selvidge. -
Fifth Payment
Make fifth payment to Mrs. selvidge. -
Go on trip!
We leave for the trip this day(: