Haley Dedic's Timeline!

  • Welcome to Life Haley Ann Dedic!

    Welcome to Life Haley Ann Dedic!
    I was born on Augest 17, 2000 at Christ Hospital in Oaklawn Illinois. My brother Aaron and my sister Laura was there but I was born to James Dedic and Debbra Dedic.
  • Hello 8th Grade! Goodbye 7th Grade!

    Hello 8th Grade! Goodbye 7th Grade!
    This year I hope to get into avanced art because I love to draw and I think I am good at drawing.
  • Graduation Day!

    Graduation Day!
    I hope to achieve my goal to get into to either avanced math or avanced reading.
  • Lets Go Shepard!!

    Lets Go Shepard!!
    I hope I go to Shepard High School just like my older brother Aaron.
  • High School first goal

    High School first goal
    My first goal is to make the volleyball team.
  • High School Second Goal!

    High School Second Goal!
    My second goal is to not fail math, reading, social studies and language arts.
  • High school third goal

    High school third goal
    My third goal is to make the cheerleading team sophmore.
  • high school 4th goal

    high school 4th goal
    My firth goal is to graduate with atleast A's, B's or C's.
  • high school fith goal

    high school fith goal
    My 5th goal is to make senoir prom queen.
  • success goes down

    success goes down
    Two potenials that can stand in my way could be not being expect into college and having any money to live on.
  • College Here I Come!

    College Here I Come!
    I hope to go to Illinios University college and I will be a lawyerbut I will need to earn myprofessional degree. Also, I will recieve 112,260 dollars a year.
  • adios college and graduation

    adios college and graduation
    When I graduate college I hope my sister Laura, brother Aaron, parent and my gradparents go. I would feel dedicated, extremly proud and very joyful.
  • life goal 1

    life goal 1
    My first life goal is to get excepted to become a laywer.
  • life goal 2

    life goal 2
    My second life goal is to get engaged to a fantastic man.
  • life goal 3

    life goal 3
    My third life goal is to have money to have a house/apartment, money to live on, and to have a car.
  • life goal 4

    life goal 4
    My forth goal is to have atleast one kid of mine and one kid that I adopted.
  • life goal 5

    life goal 5
    My last life goal is to travel to Oregan, Washington D.C., New York and Hawaii.
  • Goodbye World

    Goodbye World
    I hope I live to the age 92 and I hope to achieve atleast 2/3's of the things on my bucket list.