Haitian Revolution

  • The American Revolution Starts

  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

  • Hundreds of free blacks join the French Military

    The blacks were from Saint-Domingue. This was backing the American rebels.
  • United States Wins Independence

    United States wins independence from Britain
  • Impossible that the slave system would ever be overturned.

  • Period: to

    The Haitians Revolution First Stage

    "When free people of color began to fight for political rights, at first peacefully, and then violently. At the same time, sharp divisions began to develop within the white population and between planters and French government officials. This situation created an opening that the enslaved population took advantage of."
  • Enslaved People Rise

    "Tens of thousands of enslaved people in the north of Haiti rose up against the plantation system. They burned the sugarcane fields and killed slave masters."
  • Haitian Revolution starts

    A massive uprising of enslaved Haitians.
  • The first ending of slavery in the colony

    All the slaves in Saint-Dominque had been freed.
  • Uprising Becomes movement

    "That movement forced local officials to declare an end to slavery in the colony"
  • Slavery ends in the French Empire

  • Napoleon Bonaparte reversing the ban on slavery

  • Louverture arrested and deported to France

    He later died at France in prison, leaving the leadership of the military to Dessalines.
  • Haitian Independence from France

    The colony had become a new nation.
  • France Recognizing Haitians Independence

    First Nation to do so.
  • United States Recognizing Haitians Independence

    Last nation to do so.