The Day I Was Born
I was born on May 11, 2000 in Louisville KY at around 6:06 PM. I was born about 6 weeks early and weighed 5 pounds 6 ounces. -
Found My Heart Problem
I was one when my mo took me into the doctor for a rash and a fever and they checked my heart beat like they do at the doctors office and found my heart was beating at 300 bpm. I had an eaxtra spot in my heart and they put me on medicine and I wore heart monitors on a regular basis. -
9/11 Attack in New York
On September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers who worked for Osama Bin Laden got on planes, hijacked them, and made one of them fly into the Twin Towers in downtown New York City, causing them to collapse, and also costing the lives of over 3,000 people. -
I Started Pre-School
I started pre-school and went to the same school my mom teaches at, and she still is a pre-school teacher today. I went to St. Francis Pre-school until 2004, and then moved to kindergarten. -
Facebook is Launched
Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 by a college student named Mark Zuckerberg. It is so important and is used as a regular form of communication today. Also it keeps us up to date on all of friends lives. -
My Cousin Was Born
I am really close to my cousin Tristan, who was born on May 28, 2005. He is like a little brother to me and has taught me a lot about patience and caring. -
Hurricane Katrina
This hurricane mainly hit in the southern Gulf of Mexico area of the United States. It reached to be a category 5 hurricane and had winds speeds up to 175 mph. 1,836 people died due to this hurircane. -
I Started Elementary School
I went to Middletown Elementary up until 5th Grade where I had awesome teachers who really cared about my well being and education a lot. -
The First iPhone Was Released
I feel this date is important because now, in today's society, technology is very important. The iPhone has helped advance pur society and it was and still is a very important tool in our lives. -
I Got My Ears Pierced
I got my ears pierced when I was 8, and I remember being so scared and really it didn't even hurt that bad. I got my doubles pierced on my birthday in 2013. -
Barack Obama is Elected President
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama defeats Republican John McCain and becomes the 44th President of the United States. This is important because he was our first African American President ever elected into office. -
Went To Disney World
My family and I went to Disney World for the first time for spring break that year. It was so fun and I'm going back to Disneyworld my Juniour year here with the band to play in their parade. -
My Aunt Remarried
My Aunt Abby had been divorced since 2006 and she remarried to Daniel. He has helped out and done a lot of things for our family, and has been like a dad to my cousin Tristan. -
Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
The earthquake and tsunami in Japan was a huge devastation.It was 9.0 magnitude and happened about 231 miles norhteast of Tokyo. This earthquake caused a tsunami with waves that were 30 feet tall and killed arounnd 15,890 people. -
Death of Osama Bin Laden
This was a hugh milestone not only for our armed forces, but for us, as a country. He was behind 9/11 and even other terrorist attacks and after how many lives were lost because of his actions, it was only right what we did. -
I Started Middle School
For Middle School I went to Crosby. Crosby helped me get involved in band, which I am still in today here at Eastern. Middl School taught me a lot about work ethic abd how to not procrastinate. -
My Parents Got Divorced
On this day, my parents decided to get a divorce. Probably the hardest thing I've been through, but it has taught me a lot. I wouldn't be the person I am today without it. -
I Joined Eastern's Marching Band
I went in July for band camp, and this is when I fell in love with marching band. It has given my confidence, and taught me self discipline. -
I Started High School
On this date I had my first day of high school. I remember being so nervous and so scared but I got here and it was actually really good. I now like high school a lot. -
I Played at Carnegie Hall
My band and I took a trip up to New York to play at the famous Carnegie Hall. It was the most exciting and rewarding experience I have ever had. I loved New York a lot and wish I could go back everyday.