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Gun laws

  • Second Amendment

    The Second Amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
  • National Rifle Association Founded

    Basically to encourage shooting rifles while also promoting the safe use of them.
  • Federal Firearms Act

    (Couldn't find the month date)
    Congress to regulate the sales and shipping of firearms. Anyone selling firearms has to get a license at the cost of one dollar. Sellers were to make a list of everyone they sold gun to and were no longer able to sell firearms to anyone who has commited certain crimes or lacks a license.
  • National Firearms Act

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt put this act into place in the hopes of putting the rise of gang culture to rest. 200 dollar tex onto all gun sales, guns more regulated.
  • Gun Control Act

    Basically a tough revision of the Federal firearms act restricing the sales of guns further and adding that if the buyer has felonies or is mentally incometent.
  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

    five day background check waiting period for a licensed gun dealer to sell to an unlicensed buyer. National instant criminal background check system.
  • The NRA Files Suit

    The NRA files suit in federal court to block the FBI's collection of information on gun buyers.
  • Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act

    Illegal for anyone to manufacture or import armor piercing ammunition.
  • Firearms Owners' Protection Act

    Eased restrictions on gun sellers and the sale of some guns. Additional penalties to criminals of gun violence.