National Firearms Act (NRA)
This act created taxs on manufactures, importers, and dealers of some firearms and machine guns. -
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act
This act created the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, which focused on studying criminology and criminal justice research. This act also made it illegal to have interstate trade in handguns, raised the minimun age to buy a handgun 21. Lastly, it set some guidelines about wiretaps. -
Firearm Owners Protection Act
Improved the problems of the Gun Control Act that owners felt were wrong. These problems were warrants and seizures. Also the steps to get a dealer's license were improved. -
Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA)
This act revised the Gun Control Act.This act defined what a machine gun was and required dealers to be license and had a special tax. -
Undectectable Firearms Act
This makes it illegal to manufacture, import, sell, possess, or receive any firearm that can not be detacted by a walk-through metal detection as use for security. -
Gun-Free School Zones Act
This act prohibts an individual that has no authorizition to have a weapon on a school zone, to have a weapon like a firearm on school zones. -
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
This act made federal background checks on firearms required. -
Federal Assault Weapons Ban
This ban made it illegal to manufacture a semi-automatic weapon for civilian use. -
Federal Assault Weapons Ban Expiretion
This was a ten year ban on semiautomatic weapons and put a maximum magenzine ambution limit. -
Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
This act made the manufacturers and dealers of firearms not liable for when their firearms were used in crimes. But they were still going to be liable for damages resulting fromm defective products, breach of contract, criminal misconduct, or other actions that they were directly responsible for. This also mad safety locks on handguns required.