Saddam Hussein accuses Kuwait for stealing oil
Iraq dictator, Saddam Hussein, accuses of stealing oil from the Rumaylah oil fields in Iraq and warns of military action. -
Iraq readies their troops
Iraq readies close to 100,000 troops and within a day they attack and took control of Kuwait. -
Operation desser storm officially launched
Operation dessert storm officially launched and the first U.S troops landed in Saudi Arabia. -
Iraq pronounces that they are annexating Kuwait
Iraq says that they are annexating Kuwait and officially making it theirs. -
The UN sets a deadline for Iraq
The U.N security council passes a resolution which sets a deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait -
Peace talk in Geneva
Peace talks in Geneva, Switzerland, between US and Iraq officials, this talk ended with no progress. -
Iraq launces SCUD missiles on Israel
Iraq launches SUC missiles on Isreal killing several people, in response to this U.S set out to destroy Iraqs SCUD missiles. -
Kuwait begins destroying Kuwait oil wells
Kuwait begins to destroy the oil wells to send a message to U.S and the world, they claimed that they were not in need of outsourced oil. -
Iraq forces invade a Saudi Arabian town
Iraq forces invade the town of Khafji in Saudi Arabia. Soon after invading, Iraq forces were matched up against Saudi Arabian, Quatar and U.S troops. -
Iraq forces capture two U.S soldiers
Iraq forces capture a 20 year old U.S army specialist, Melissa Rathbun- Nealy and Army specialist David Lockett whilst driving alongf the Kuwait border just inside Saudi Arabia. -
Iraq forces eventually forced out of Saudi Arabia
The battle of Khafji resulted in the coalitions victory and Iraq forces were driven out of the country; Saudi Arabia. -
U.S president George H W. Bush delivers the ultimatum
U.S president issues the 24-hour ultimatum: Iraq must withdraw or the coalition would send in ground troops. -
Ground war begins and U.S led coalition trools invade Iraq and Kuwait
Around 4 am in Iraw time, U.S led coalition troops invade Iraq and Kuwait. -
Iraq SCUD missile launched amd kills 20+
Iraq SCUD missiles strikes U.S barracks near Saudi Araba and kills 28 U.S troops. -
Saddam Hussein ordered Iraqi troops withdraw
Iraqi troops ordered to withdraw from Kuwait, Around 10,000 trops were killed whilst attempting to retreat on the Highway. This event was known as the Highway of Death. -
U.S and Saudi troops enter Kuwait city
Coalition troops, primarily U.S and Saudi troops enter Kuwait and battle the republican guard in several tank battles. -
U.S President officially announces a ceasefire and that Kuwait had been liberated
U.S President announces that Kuwait was officially liberated from Iraqi control. -
Iraw acceps terms of a ceaseful from the U.N security council
Iraq officially accepts the U.N terms and U.S troops arrived home.