The Romans brought the cithara to Portugal and Spain. -
Period: to
History of Guitars
In this timeline it will show the history of guitars. Guitars have been created since the past and evolved ever since. -
The Oud
In 700 AD the Moors conquered the areas where the cinthara was popular and introduced the Oud which leads to the modification of the Cinthara. -
New Guitars
In 1100 the 4 string guitar that was made from the Cithara evolved into seperate types, the Moorish guitar and the Latin guitar -
The Vihuela
In 1400 the Vihuela is created and is another guitar that will stay in existence for the next 200 years -
General Alterations
In 1800 general alterations were added onto the guitar, which also had fan struts: which were a raised neck and fingerboard made of wood. -
Antonio Torres Jurado
In 1890 Antonio Jurado redesigned the guitar and increased the size of the body and neck. -
The Greatest Part
The acoustic and classical guitar was now used as a popular modern day instrument. -
Period: to
History of Guitars
Guitars were created a long time ago. It evolved into a much newer type of instrument, and it keeps evolving over time. This timeline will show the history of guitars.