guilded age timeline

  • Great Strike

    Great Strike
    The Great Strike on the B&O
    Railroad. The second wage was cut and work stopped for a week. This event was positive because it stopped the company from cutting wages
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Congress banned
    Chinese entry expect to students, tourists, and politicians
  • Japanese Recruitment

    Japanese Recruitment
    Hawaiian planters recruited Japanese workers. And gave Japanese jobs and started their immigration into
  • A.F.L Samuel Gompers only allowing skilled workers

    A.F.L Samuel Gompers only allowing skilled workers
    A.F.L. Samuel Gompers founder of this labor union allowing only skilled workers to join. That later became one of the best known unions.
  • Haymarket Affair

    Haymarket Affair
    this affair gave the unions bad reputations because of the riots that happened and it happened after a bombing
  • Failing jobs

    Failing jobs
    leaving men, women, immigrants and children with no labor union and less jobs only created more problems for the ones at the top
  • Pullman company’s failing wages

    Pullman company’s failing wages
    The Pullman company fails to restore wages, which leads to a major decrease in rent.
  • Steamstresses Strike

    Steamstresses Strike
    Seamstresses Strike won labor agreements and improved working conditions, the public could no longer ignore working conditions and change was finally happening.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist factory disaster

    Triangle Shirtwaist factory disaster
    Triangle Shirtwaist factory caught on fire and 146 women died this was the initiative to set up regulations and make working safer.