• Period: 711 to 1492


    The Portuguese people were very seafaring, and were also the first people to sail around Africa ( Editors). Henry the Navigator was the person to do so and his desire was to spread the Gospel, explore, and obtain wealth ( Editors). Henry later went to become a major military leader ( Editors).
  • Period: 1066 to

    Absolutism in France

    Absolutism of France had risen similar to England's rise, aspiring French monarchs had to contend with a Huguenot opposition ( Editors). Some of its contributing factors can go all the way back to the reigns of Philip Augustus, Louis IX, and Philip IV ( Editors). This path to absolutism was stopped whenever France and Spain had started a war between the Huguenots and Catholics ( Editors).
  • Period: 1326 to 1453

    The Ottoman Empire

    The start of the Ottoman Empire when the Turks conquered Constantinople ( Editors). The Ottomans crossed the Dardenelles into Europe, seizing the peninsula of Gallipoli ( Editors). Eventually in the 1700s the Ottomans were defeated by the Islams and was not strong enough to held their entire empire ( Editors).
  • Period: 1415 to


    The Holy Roman Empire gave the province of Brandenburg to the Hohenzollern's for their military forces ( Editors). They had bought land in Brandenburg which arose the Thirty Years' War ( Editors). Frederick I ruled Germany and led them into victory ( Editors).
  • Period: 1500 to

    Absolutism in England

    These years were a time of knowledge, exploration, and wealth ( Editors). In the period following the Renaissance and Reformation two theories predominated in the government, Political, and economic ( Editors). The political theory was absolutism and economic mercantilism which was more dominant ( Editors).
  • Period: 1516 to


    Charles IV became the king of Spain and gained control of the Holy Roman Empire three years later ( Editors). This made Spain a very powerful nation ( Editors). What made Spain more powerful was that Castile and Aragon had merged ( Editors).
  • Period: 1524 to

    French Exploration and Colonization

    French had started their exploration with Giovanni da Verrazano in 1524, he sailed from the Carolinas to Newfoundland on the east coast ( Editors). Samuel de Champlain made the first colony, Quebec in 1608 off of the St. Lawrence River ( Editors). Quebec became the capital of New France, following Quebec, Montreal was colonized further north ( Editors).
  • Period: to

    English Mercantilism

    The English had many benefits in Mercantilism ( Editors). The first was the more gold and silver a country had, the more prosperous it is ( Editors). The second benefit, was self-sufficiency, meaning they maintain a great balance of trade with other countries ( Editors). The last benefit with Mercantilism was the existence of colonies which only exist due to the country owning them ( Editors).
  • Period: to

    Colonial Rivalry

    The Colonial Rivalry started whenever England had their first colony in Jamestown, Virginia, founded in 1607 ( Editors). A year later, France had settled in a colony such as Quebec ( Editors). Both colonies were successful for the first hundred years but then France wanted more land and started the 7 years war ( Editors). France lost this war in 1763 ( Editors).
  • Period: to


    Austria was primarily a Catholic country but could not get a large nation because of a Protestantism on the western border ( Editors). This caused an expantion and beak-up of Poland and Austria ( Editors). Turkey wanted to invade Europe but Austria pushed them out back in to Asia ( Editors).