Growth of Voting Rights in the USA

  • Period: to

    Voting Rights

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This event is important because it began the whole Civil Rights Act. The Abolition of slavery allowed more chances for people to thrive and live
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Despite the abolition of slavery, the people who once were slaves could not vote. The 15th Amendment made it possible for them to vote.
  • laws to take voting rights from African-Americans

    laws to take voting rights from African-Americans
    This event was one of the factors leading to the Grandfather Clause, and literacy tests. The Supreme Court declared the Grandfather Clause unconstitutional, however, many of the south's laws still remained.
  • Supreme Court rules literacy test unconstitutional

  • Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional

    Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional
    This event is important because it stopped one of the south's many limits on minority freedoms. Because the clause had stated that if ones grandfather had voting rights, the people could too, however, due to the majority on the African American people being slaves for generations, they would hold no right to vote.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This event led to an increase in voting rights because the women finally had voting rights. This allowed a fair chance at people's voices being heard.
  • Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional

  • 24th Amendment

  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Freedom summer was a attempt to register African-Americans to vote. This event was clouded in a lot of violence and many people were scared of the outcome.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This event cleared way for many voters to make their stand. By clearing the racial and ethnic discrimination from the poll booths, many were allowed to vote.