Growth of the field of Microbiology

  • Development of the Cell Theory

    Robert Hooke was the first to observe cells and later developed the Cell Theory: all living things are composed of cells
  • Improved Observational Techniques

    Anton van Leeuwenkoek discovered better observational techniques (better microscope lenses) and was able to observe bacteria
  • Biogenesis

    The hypothesis was created that all living cells are made from already existing cells
  • Questions of Spontaneous Generation

    Louis Pasteur ignited the thought that a "vital" force is required fo life
  • S-Shaped Flask Experiment

    Louis Pasteur created the S-Shaped Flask experiment and determined microorganisms can contaminate sterile solutes, however new microbes are not found in the air/broth
  • Pasteurization

    Discovered that bacteria can be killed by heat exposure (ex. wine)
  • Pure Culture Development

    Robert Koch developed techniques that isolated cultures using solid media - led to pure cultures
  • Early Vaccination Exploration

    Pasteur began experimenting and investigating the creation of vaccines
  • Anthrax vaccine development

    Pasteur (with other scientists) developed the first vaccine for anthrax and rabies
  • Penicillin Discovery

    Alexander Fleming developed the first antibiotic of penicillin