Growth of Christianity Michelle

By Mxerri
  • 312

    Emperor Constantine Converted to Christianity

  • 313

    Edict of Milan stated offical tolerance for Christianity

  • 325

    First Council of Nicaea

    It was a christian council created by Emperor Constantine
  • 336

    Death Of Constanine

  • 354

    Birth of Augustine

  • 400

    Jerome's Vulgate

    He made his version of the latin translated Bible
  • 407

    John Chrysostom Dies

  • 411

    Council of Carthage condemns Donatists

  • 417

    Pope innocent 1 condemns Pelagianism

  • 420

    Death of Jerome

  • 430

    Death of Augustine

  • 431

    Council of Ephesus

  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

  • Sep 7, 1054

    Great Schism between the east and west

  • Sep 7, 1093

    Anselm Becomes Arch bishope of Canterbury

  • Sep 7, 1095

    Council of Clermont: ope Urban II proclaims first Cruscade

  • Sep 7, 1098

    Crusades take Antioch from Turks

  • Sep 7, 1099

    Crusades recapture Jerusalem From Turks

  • Sep 7, 1122

    Condort of Worms

    An agrement between Pope calixtus II and Emperor Henry V
  • Sep 7, 1141

    Peter Abelard Condemned

  • Sep 7, 1144

    Fall of Edessa

    This was a crusader state which fell during a crusade to Zengi
  • Sep 7, 1187

    Fall of Jerusalem to the Turks

  • Sep 7, 1215

    Fourth Latin Council

  • Sep 7, 1309

    Babylonian Captivity

    Jews were held captive in Babylon untill their release in 1377
  • Sep 7, 1337

    Hundreds Year War started untill 1453

  • Sep 7, 1378

    Great Western Schism untill 1423

  • Sep 7, 1409

    Council of Pisa

  • Sep 7, 1413

    Lollard rebellion untill 1414

  • Sep 7, 1415

    Council of Constant martyrdom of Jantus

  • Sep 7, 1420

    Crusades against Hussiles

  • Sep 7, 1431

    Joan of Arch martyl

  • Sep 7, 1431

    Council of Basil untill 1449

  • Sep 7, 1438

    Council of Ferrara-Florence untill 1445

  • Sep 7, 1453

    Fall of Constantiople to Turks

  • Sep 7, 1478

    Spanish inquisition founded by Ferdinard and Isabella

  • Sep 7, 1483

    Birth of Martin Luther

  • Sep 7, 1492

    Expulsion of Jews from Spain By Ferdinard and Isabella

  • Basil the Great Dies

  • Christianity makes the offical religion of the Roman Empire

  • Council of Constantinople

  • Augustine converts to Chrisitanity

  • Gregory of Nazianzus dies

  • Gregory of Nyssa dies

  • Second Council of Nicea

  • Olga of Russia converts to Christianity