Growing Your Profession Timeline

  • 1 year from today

    In one year from now, I hope to be looking for a teaching job and building connections with future colleagues and administrators. Having good relationships with the people you will be working with is very important. I also hope to have some hands on classroom experience with students and start to begin to learn how to flow lesson plans.
  • 2 years from today

    In two years from today, I hope to have a job in an orchestra classroom as the main teacher. I want to start building my program and recruit from the elementary feeder schools. I also want to start developing a set of lesson plans for the beginner classroom that I will follow (generally speaking) for years to come.
  • 5 years from today

    I hope to have a great relationship with all of the other music educators in surrounding schools. I also want to get a superior rating for my orchestra at the music performance assessment in the district level for all the ensembles I teach. I also want to have a summer string camp to help students maintain their skills throughout the summer.
  • 10 years from today

    In 10 years from now, I hope to have an established orchestra program that is known for the student's talents and the community that is built within the students. I want to have students playing at a high level above average. I also want to have some type of position at an admin level and influence how the district goes about music programs.
  • At the end of my career

    At the end of my career, I hope to have built an orchestra program that continues to grow and leave the incoming teacher with students that are excited to learn music.