Period: to
Production Schedule
Filming Day 1
12:30 - 14:45
-all members of the group will meet at college at 12:15, pick up equipment and travel to Barbican
- costume and props: monochrome, heels, make-up, gold rings -
Filming Day 2
Equipment will be booked for all day Wednesday (23rd) and returned Thursday morning. Wednesday is an admin day, so there will be no lessons, which gives us time to film all day.
Filming locations:
- Dionne's house - morning+afternoon
- Barbican - night time (if weather is favorable) - lighting equipment will be needed. All members of the group will attend.
Costume and Props: monochrome; heels; at least one change of outfit between DIonne's/Barbican; gold rings; phones; make-up -
Filming Day 3
Location: Barbican
Members: Dionne, Larah, Anthony
Props and Costume: monochrome; gold rings; phones; heels; make-up
The group will already have the equipment from filming the day before; will be returned at 12:15. -
Filming Day 4
Location: Barbican
Members: Anthony, Larah, Dionne
Costume and props: gold rings; make-up; monochrome; heels; phones -
Filming Day 5
9:00 - 12:00
Location, Props and Costume: TBA, depending on what will be done in the other four days of filming -
Filming Day 6/ Editing Day 1
This will be the last day of filming if it is necessary. Props/costume/location TBA.
Otherwise, the group will start editing the footage. -
Editing Week
There will be a double Media lesson in the morning. The group will attend workshops during this week in order to be ready for the rough cut deadline. (21 Nov) -
Rough Cut Deadline
Editing Week
Editing will be done in lessons and workshops to get the video from the rough cut stage to its final form. Final deadline is on 29 Nov. -
Final Deadline