Period: 5000 BCE to 3500 BCE
Magnificent Mesopotamians
Believe it or not, the Mesopotamians weren't just known for their inventions.They were the first to create monarchy. Then they were ruled under imperialism. After that, they also were ruled under Theocracy. So, Mesopotamians were also the first civilisation to create all of these governments. -
Period: 3300 BCE to 1700 BCE
Ingenious Incas
Don't just admire the Incas because they were modern. They had so many types of government throughout! At first, the Incas had a different kind of monarchy. The kings...wait for it... were also priests! They were called priest-kings. After that they switched to a theocracy. Here are a few facts… They called their kings rajas. In that time, the kingdom was rated based on trading and resources, not military strength. Also, surprisingly, the priests were higher in the caste than the kings! -
Period: 2600 BCE to 250 BCE
Majestic Mayans
The Mayans were separated by city-states, who were ruled by a noble family that had a lot of military power. The head of each noble family had a bunch of military officials to help ruling the country. -
Period: 1766 BCE to 220
Cool Chinese
The Chinese ALSO had a monarchy, but the king was called an emperor. Actually, the emperor was usually like a dictator to the empire. The Chinese had a lot of dynasties. ( Royal Families ) -
Period: 1 CE to 800
Mesmerising Mocha civilisation
The moche civilization was basicaally ruled by the upper class in their caste. -
Period: 900 to 1150
Terrible Toltecs
The Toltecs were also ruled by the upper class in their caste. -
Period: 1425 to 1532
The Inca Empire
The Inca empire also had a monarchy, ruled by a king called the Sapa Inca. -
Period: to
Now there are mostly monarchies and Dictatorship around the world. -
Period: to 30 BCE
Epic Egyptians
Why is everyone only fascinated by mummies? There's a whole big story behind Pharaohs too! Pharaohs are like kings, except that the Egyptians believed that he was hosting a god inside him or her. Basically, the ruling of Ancient Egypt was always like a monarchy and was there throughout.