

  • 3.1 Semantic Memory

    3.1 Semantic Memory
    My earliest memory of developing my semantic memory (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 112) is when I was in my third grade at South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind. I had to memorize the names of 13 colonial states. It's one of my vivid memories of memorizing 13 states before going on to more states and understanding how this country became USA and more states appeared at some times and some other times. With my seamntic memory, it helped me acing my test of naming those states.
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    I think the attachments I have started developing when I was 13 years old and becoming more strong when entered MSSD (high school for the deaf children). The relationship between mother and I became more strained. That's what had me creating my own safe haven which is friends and my partner. For example, she's very judgmental on me why I am not interested in dating girls and denoucing on lgbt community. I wasn't out that time. I was in fear of her kicking me out of her house if I come out.
  • 3.2 Prospective Memory

    3.2 Prospective Memory
    Even though my prospective memory (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 114) was fully developed when I was in sixth grade, I used my prospective memory a lot when I was in my high school at Model Secondary School for the Deaf in Washington, DC. It's because I had a lot of assignments and after-school activities to remember and keep up with my busy schedule like study for quiz and hit the road to do some performing. To this day, I still am using my prospective memory with the help of my planner book.
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role

    In the textbook, it talked about young adults leaving (and returning home (Bjorklund, 2015, p.142), and it made me thinking about my first time really leaving home in 1999. It was because I made a decision to go to CSUN to study more courses and do some acting gigs. After two years there, I decided to return home, because I realized I was young, immature, and unsure. What that experience served me very well is that I learned what's really out there. That was my first young adult transition.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    7.3 Major Life Event
    9/11 is, I feel, the hardcore major life event. I didn't deal with my stress very well after watching the news. I couldn't sleep well and didn't sleep for maybe two nights in a row. How I coped with my stress was using the self-distraction techinque (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 315). For example, at nighttime, I'd turn on the comedy tv shows or some cartoon in attempting to take my mind off of attacks. That helped little, but what helped me more was social coping (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 317).
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    1.1 The Beginning
    I vividly remember my first biggest nonnormative life event (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 10), and that happened on October 22, 2006. There was the tv show called 60 Minutes on CBS, and it talked about Jacob witnessing the genocide event taking his family's lives and saw babies thrown in the bonfires alive. That segment truly changed my life 180 degress, because it got me thinking about my life. That day, I started living as who and what I truthfully am. That also helped me accepting myself as a gay man.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    After all my experiences with growing up in the southern baptist church, my personal spiritual, and my understanding of life, October 22, 2006 is the date that changed and transitioned me big. I believe that day, the key appeared and opened my heart, soul, and mind to the new meaning of life and such. That led me into the stage of 'from integrated to self-transcendent' (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 294). This link is what changed me in 2006. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/searching-for-jacob/
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    2.1 Oxidative Damage
    "Our resistance and repair functions decline as we age, the oxidative damage increases, and the result is primary aging" (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 36). That resonates true to my health issue. About 7 years ago, I noticed unusual 'mole' on my left arm and went to see the skin doctor for this issue. She brushed it off and said it's not serious. Last summer, my other skin doctor discovered that I had a basal cell carcinoma due to sun overexposure n removed it last Fall. Basal is a very low-grade cancer.
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    2.2 Genetic Limits
    "Telomeres are necessary for DNA relicaption and appear to serve as timekeepers for the cells" (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 37). This makes sense of my body changing. Before I turned mid-30s, my metabolism level was very good, and I started noticing that that level became declining. I used not to having to work out hard to maintain that level and was always thin as pencil. So now I have to workout double and running to keep my level up. This, I feel, helps prolonging my life and stay healthy.
  • 4.2 Older Adult Role

    In late summer 2014, I felt that it was time to do the role transition (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 138), because I felt the need to change around my life for the better. So I put my acting career on hold indefinitely and went back to school to finish what I've started. So I am the student again with great motivation and positive unlike the last time I went to the university. I think that my young adulthood journey has taught and made me a better person with great knowledge and such.
  • 2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle

    2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle
    I don't eat 2-4 servings of fruit each day as I should. I only have an issue with that is because fruits easily get molded in my home. I love fruits, don't get me wrong. I do eat an banana almost everyday. On the brighter side, I am happy to say that I don't eat at any fast food places for over 15 years now thanks to gross stories of fast foods. I don't smoke at all and do drink some wines mostly on Saturday nights on my movie night. I still am working on consuming fruits everyday.
  • 2.4 Potential Consequences of My Life

    My current health lifestyle may and may not be at risk, but I am very conscious with my health being especially my skin. Given that I have red hair, my skin is at the risk of getting skin cancer from the sun exposure. After learning that I had the skin cancer, I started putting the sunscreen SPF 50 everyday regardless of any weather for the rest of my life. I am getting better with caring for my health being. Overall, I feel that my lifestyle is pretty good and considerably healthy as well.
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    The test was very interesting yet accurate. I have three areas that are in m secure area, which are general, friend, and partner. I generally am secured. I agree with that, because I am able to go to those certain people and talk about just anything. Not only that, I feel comfortable with them. My mother on the other hand is very opposite. I am not very comfortable with her, because she disowned and rejected me due to my being gay, which is okay. She's in the dismissing area.
  • 6.3 Generativity

    I had to pick generativity (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 254-255), because most videos contained generativity. For example, Kalina Johnson's life history project on her grandmother's generativity clear. The generations of Kalina are all deaf, and her grandmother ensured that her deaf offsprings to understand the world and able to adapt their deafness. Kalina's fortunate to have that kind of support from any of her generations. The communication isn't the issue at all.
  • 6.4 Self-Aware

    There is one ideal person that present self-aware very well, and that is Barbara Kannapell, presented by Lindsey Carthell. Lindsey narrated that Barbara couldn't 'showcase' her identity as lesbian during 1970s, I believe, because the surroundings around her considered LGBT as, I quote, 'sinful'. So she had to hide her true being and pleased people. That's like separating herself and the world which means she's self-aware of her surroundings.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    7.1 Fowler
    I still to this day explore the depth of my life, my faith and my relationship with the universe. I strongly believe that I'm at one of the Fowler's stages, conjunctive faith (Bjorklund, 2015, 288), because I feel that I am beyond any religion. Don't get me wrong, all religions have their beautiful practices--worshipping God. I just feel that those religions are limited and fixed. God is more than any religion itself. That's where I am at.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    6.1 My RIASEC type
    My RIASEC type result is S,A,I (Social, Artisitc, and Investigation), and my top result is social. (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 209). I think that type does correspond well to my being, because I do like help people. Most jobs on the onetonline.org are counselings, few kinds of psychology, and teachers. Counseling psychologist or some sort of counselors are the fields that I go for.
  • 6.2 Super's Stages

    I think I will be in the establishment (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 207), because I believe I'll be at the point where I will hold the job that is fairly new. But at least, the job I hope to get would be stabilized and able to hold that job for a good long while. I think my role salience (Bjorklund, 2015, p. 207) will be great if I work somewhere related to counseling or psychology.
  • 8.1 The End

    Gregory Anderson, 74, died at his home in San Francisco, California on August 21, 2051.
    He was born November 1977 in Charleston, SC to Laura Anderson and Gregory J. Anderson.
    He worked as the spiritual counselor for 30 years. He has touched and changed many people's lives with the wisdoms and knowledges he had. His well-known motto that he always shared with people was 'love yourself is when you start living your life'.
    He was married to Ron for 26 years.