Greg Mortenson's Journey. Scale: Afghanistan=Blue, Pakistan=Red, U.S.=Green, and Greg and his journey=Purple
By gordocoo000
Pakistan declared independance
Pakistan Declares Independance -
Greg Mortenson was born
In Minnesota -
Period: to
Three Cups of Tea Time Frame
This is the timeframe where the main part of Three Cups of Tea was. -
Greg and his family move to Moshi, near Mount Kilimanjaro
Period: to
Greg's sister Christa's lifespan
Period: to
The Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan
Greg falls on Mmunt Sill in Californa
Greg begins his climb on the k2 mountain
Greg comes back to the U.S. and begins to rase money for schools.
Jean Heorni donates money for Gregs cause.
Taliban starts up and attacks Afghanistan
Greg returns to U.S. and Westside elementary collect of 600 dollars worth of pennies
Greg and Korphe men build the bridge.
Greg meets Tara at a party.
Greg goes back to Pakistan, as the head of CAI
Period: to
Korphe School being Built
Greg and Tara have their first child
Her name was Amira Mortenson -
Jean Hoerni dies of Leukimia
Al Queda bombs the U.S embassies killing 258 people.
Pakistan and Afghanistan start fighting
Pakistan sets off their first nuclear bomb
Greg and Tara have their son, Khyber Bishop Mortenson
Al Queda hijackes planes and bombs the World Trade towers and the Pentagon
U.S. topples the Taliban Government
Greg stars to build girls schools
U.S. invades Iraq
Greg starts to build schools in Afghanistan
There is a massive earthquake in Pakistan
It destoyed many schools and killed many people. -
Three Cups of Tea is published.
Kids Version of Three Cups of Tea is published