Introduction of television in South Africa
Television in South Africa was introduced in 1976. Despite being the most economically advanced country in Africa, South Africa was relatively late in introducing television broadcasting to its population.
1.The History of television in South Africa pdf
2.First television broadcast in South Africa video
3.SABC January 1976 video -
Period: to
Timeline period:1976-2018
Separate ICT policies
Separate frameworks have guided the sector since
1994. White Papers on Broadcasting,Telecommunications & Postal sectors, Green Paper on e-Commerce 1.https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1857/6ad386cc441e2e643be7cb68b2a0263d5761.pdf
2. http://www.sahistory.org.za/archive/restrictions-media -
Promulgation of the Independent Broadcasting Act
Shortly after South Africa's first elections, the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) came into being. It was tasked with regulating the country's broadcasting industry, which previously was under the direct control of the government's Department of Home Affairs. The introduction of a regulator, with constitutionally guaranteed independence, was a significant step forward for the industry
http://www.nab.org.za/content/page/broadcast-industry -
Appointment of the first democractic SABC board
Before 1994, South Africa 's policy on ICT was motivated by apartheid policies.Even the board members wer only whites.But prior to the 1994 elections, a new democratic board members were nominated in public
<p> You may click here</p> -
Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 153, 1993
The purpose of this act:
To provide for the regulation of broadcasting activities in the public interest; for that purpose to establish a juristic person to be known as the Independent Broadcasting Authority which shall function wholly independently of State, governmental and party political influences and free from political or other bias or interference; -
Telecommunication Act was promulgated
To make new provision for the regulation of telecommunication activities other than broadcasting, and for the control of the radio frequency spectrum; and for that purpose to establish an independent South African Telecommunications Regulatory
Promulgation of the telecommunication act -
White paper on telecommunication
The White Paper on Telecommunications Policy is the result of a broad consultative process involving the public and the telecommunications sector. While the Creen Paper on Telecommunications Policy was a consultative document, the White Paper is a statement of Government policy on the future development of telecommunications in South Africa. 1.http://ictwhitepaper.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/WHITE_PAPER_TELECOMMS_POLICY_GEN291_GG16995_E.pdf
2.https://youtu.be/HLroKHqQmlw -
Former States Broadcasting Re-organization Act No 91 of 1996
The White Paper 3: A Programme for the Transformation of Higher Education of 1997
acknowledged the key role of the ICT revolution in globalization. The same understanding of the importance of ICTs in supporting and provoking global political, social and economic integration was reiterated by the Ministry of Education in its National Plan for Higher Education published in 2001.
1.http://www.che.ac.za/sites/default/files/publications/ICTs_HE_Landscape_Jul2006_0.pdf -
The Postal Services Act No. 124
To make new provision for the regulation of postal services; for the operational functions ofthe postal company, including its universal service obligations; for structural matters relating to postal services as well as the operation of the Postbank and National Savings Certificates;and to consolidate certain provisions relating to the postal company and amend or repealothers; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
1.https://www.gov.za/sites/www.gov.za/files/a124-98.pdf -
Department of Communications Rationalization Act No10 of 1998
This presentation provides an overview of the broadcasting legislative and regulatory environment since the dawn of a new democratic dispensation in South Africa.The policy framework is informed by the country’s core Constitutional imperatives. Source:
Ellipsis. (2018). Resource : Policy. [online] Available at: https://www.ellipsis.co.za/resources/resource-policy/ [Accessed 23 Mar. 2018]. -
The purpose of formulating this Act is the following: 1.To repeal the Broadcasting Act , 1976(No.73 of 1976), so as to establish a new broadcasting policy for the Republic; 2.To amend certain provisions of the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act, 1993 (Act No . 153 of 1993);- To clarify powers of the Minister with regard to policy formulation and the Authority ‘s powers with respect to the regulation and licensing of the broadcasting system
Merger of SATRA with IBA to form ICASA
The Independent Communication Authority of South Africa is a product of statute, the Independent Communication Authority of South Africa Amendment Act of 2000, amended in 2005.
ICASA was established in July 2000
1. Document to support the above
2. Video to support the above -
Green Paper on e-commerce
The Green Paper is intended to provide a platform from which to translate topical issues around e-commerce into government policy. The Green Paper itself is not a policy document nor an academic paper, but is essentially a consultative document designed to raise questions on issues that need to be addressed by the government policy formulation process.
2.https://youtu.be/n19r-hv0Yt4 -
Broadcasting Amendment Act of 2002
To amend the Broadcasting Act, 1999, so as to add certain definitions; to provide for the conversion of the old Corporation into a public company in terms of the Companies Act; to clarify the relationship between the policies governing public commercial services and the values of the public broadcasting service.
1.http://www.polity.org.za/article/broadcasting-amendment-act-no-64-of-2002-2002-01-01 -
Electronic Communication Act(no 36 of 2005) was enacted
The Electronic Communication Act of 2005 repealed the Telecommunication Act
Electronic Communication Act 2005
World Bank Study
It was found that for every 10% increase in broadband penetration in emerging market, there is 1.38% increase in GDP.If South Africa has to compete with other countries it must improve its ITC sector.These are the issue that led to the green paper on ICT.
2.https://youtu.be/XTyXmtwXl_Q -
RIA ITC findings
According to RIA ITC 22% of interenet users access internet via ADSL, but more people access it using their mobile devices -
The census 2011 shows that 89% of the 14.5 million household in the country have access to mobile phones and 75% have access to Television set.It is also reported that 68% have access to a radio.35% of household have access to the internet.15% have access to landline.
1.https://youtu.be/UM4mLq-NZdc -
South Africa on broadband
Broadband is one of the critical catalysts for the development of South Africa. By 2020, the government wants all South Africans to be ICT literate. It has a national broadband framework in place to encourage development in its rural areas and help stop the migration to cities.
1.https://youtu.be/hJYxN5tFEus -
ICT Policy review panel appointed
This panel is to review the regulatory process that apply to telecommunication,broadcasting and postal services as well as e-commerce.After the recommendation this will lead to the adoption of the white paper.Report back will be handed to the minister.
2.https://youtu.be/tptnVBE2Uho -
ICT Sector review report
ICT Sector Report on Telecommunications, Broadcasting, e- Commerce and Postal Published (August 2013).The review process was launched in April 2012 to review the information and communications technology (ICT) policies and to work towards an integrated ICT policy framework for South Africa.The review document includes a project plan for the review process and proposes that the Integrated ICT Policy Framework Green Paper is scheduled to be published by October 2013 . -
Frame Paper has been gazetted
The Framing Paper outlined 14 key objectives underpinning the
ICT framework. Stakeholders were invited to comment on the relevance of the proposed objectives:This includes things like the following:
1.Freedom of expression
2.Access to diverse content, services and applications.
3.Universal access and service
4.Enable economic growth and employment
For more on this Click here -
Outline of the policy review process
Framing paper was released
The Framing Paper will measure the current policy objectives, the extent of their achievement and relevance for the future, thereby assisting the panel in setting new policy objectives for the integrated ICT Policy.Public launch of the Policy review process. (Ellipsis, 2018) Source:
Ellipsis. (2018). Resource : Policy. [online] Available at: https://www.ellipsis.co.za/resources/resource-policy/ [Accessed 23 Mar. 2018]. -
Green paper gazetted
Now the 22-member panel has concluded all the critical research on the frameworks governing telecommunications and information technology, broadcasting, investment and manufacturing, postal services, content development and digitising government.
N.B [ Click here] to view the video n Minister Yunus carrim on ICT Green Paper (https://youtu.be/K2YZqw_hQHo) -
Discussion Paper gazetted
The discussion paper has been gazetted after the review panel has done its job.This was done after an intensive consultation with stakeholders.The Discussion Paper outlines the policy options and possible policy approaches to achieve objectives and seeks public input on which will best realise these goals.The process of finalising this Discussion Paper, involves many inter-governmental consultations.members of the public will be given until the 15/01.2015 to make written submissions. -
National Integrated ICT Green Paper
The Green Paper will lay out policy options; facilitating input and dialogue to obtain greater preference in policy whilst fostering greater public participation in the policy making discourse. Sources:
1.Green Paper on ICT
2.Yunus Carim on Green Paper -
ICT Review panel recommendations
The ultimate aim of the recommendations made by the panel is to develop a White Paper for a cross-cutting ICT sector policy framework as required by the industry and the National Development Plan (NDP). Currently, there are White Papers for broadcasting, telecommunications and postal services. T 1.https://soundcloud.com/pmgza/ict-policy-review -
White Paper on the National Integrated Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Policy
The White Paper will be futuristic, taking into account greater technology and services convergence mainly for ensuring universal access and universal service to all South Africans -
Electronic Communication amendment Bill
Stakeholders links:
The rest on this link:https://www.ellipsis.co.za/electronic-communications-amendment-bill-2017/ -
Additional: How Policies are made in South Africa
You can find the answers here:
1. https://youtu.be/q7m2nzRIFSg