
Greek and Roman History

By 7833847
  • 2000 BCE

    2000 BCE

    Wandering tribes begin to settle in Greece
  • 1200 BCE

    1200 bce

    Estruscans reached northern Italy
  • 1194 BCE

    1194 BCE

    Trojan war started
  • 800 BCE

    800-500 BCE

    Greeks established colonies throughout southern Italy
  • 776 BCE

    776 BC

    The first Olympic games
  • 753 BCE

    About 753 BCE

    Village of Rome was found
  • 600 BCE

    600 BCE

    Rome was a province of Eturia
  • 600 BCE

    600 BCE

    The first Greek coins appeared
  • 490 BCE

    490 bc

    Greeks defeat the Persian invades at the battle of Marathon
  • 490 BCE

    490 BCE

    First Persian War
  • 450 BCE

    450 BCE

    "Law of the 12 tables" provides written Roman law
  • 440 BCE

    440's bc

    Greek theatre thrives in Athens. Many of the most famous Greek plays are written
  • 431 BCE

    431 BC-404 BC

    War between Athens and Sparta
  • 431 BCE

    431 BCE

    The Peloponnesian wars between Athens and Sparta.
  • 390 BCE

    390 BCE

    Gaulic invasion sacked Rome
  • 359 BCE

    359 BCE

    Philip II became King of Macedon
  • 339 BCE

    339 BCE

    The Catapult was invented at Syracruse
  • 282 BCE

    282 272 BCE

    War with Pyrrhus
  • 218 BCE

    218-201 BCE

    Second Punic War (Hannibal crossed the Alps)
  • 192 BCE

    192- 189 BCE

    Syrain war
  • 135 BCE

    135-132 BCE

    First Servile War (slave revolt)
  • 133 BCE

    133 BCE

    Tiberius, the first senator to advocate land reform, was assassinated in 133 BCE by land-owners.
  • 88 BCE

    88-82 BCE

    Civil war in Rome
  • 79 BCE

    79 bce

    Sulla returned power to the Senate
  • 58 BCE

    58 BCE

    Julius Caesar appointed governor of Gaul
  • 58 BCE

    58-51 BCE

    Julius Caesar's army conquered Gaul
  • 42 BCE

    42-30 BCE

    Cleopatra and Marc Antony had a relationship that lasted until their deaths
  • 1 CE

    0 AD

    Jesus Christ was born
  • 455

    455 AD

    End of Roman empire
  • 1896 AD

    Modern Olympic games begin
  • 2010 AD

    Present day