Greek History

  • 7000 BCE

    Evidence of food producing economy, simple hut construction, and seafaring in mainland Greece and the Aegean

  • 5700 BCE

    First "Megaron House" at Sesclo, in central Greece

  • 3400 BCE

    Evidence of earliest fortifications at Dimini, Greece

  • 3000 BCE

    Houses of Vasiliki and Myrtos Messara Tholoi House of Tiles at Lerna

  • 2000 BCE

    Destruction of Minoan settlements

  • 1700 BCE

    Destruction of Minoan palaces Settlement of Akrotiri, Thera Grave Circle B at Mycenae

  • 1627 BCE

    Eruption of Thera volcano (sometime between 1627 and 1600)

  • 1600 BCE

    Grave Circle A at Mycenae Legends: Argo Voyage, Heracles, Oedipus

  • 1550 BCE

    Tholos Tomb at Mycenae

  • 1450 BCE

    Linear B writing (1450-1180)

  • 1400 BCE

    Mycenaean Palaces Evidence of expanded Mycenaean trade at Levand

  • 1370 BCE

    Palace of Knossos destruction

  • 1300 BCE

    Palace of Knossos destruction

  • 1250 BCE

    Trojan War (1250 or 1210)

    Trojan War (1250 or 1210)
    it was a war obviously .
  • 1200 BCE

    Destruction of many Mycenaean palaces Doric Invasions? (1200-1100) Sea Peoples (1200-1100)

  • 1200 BCE

    Destruction of many Mycenaean palaces Doric Invasions? (1200-1100) Sea Peoples (1200-1100)

  • 1100 BCE

    Destruction of Miletus and resettlement

  • 1000 BCE

    End of Mycenaean civilization Lefkandi: Toumba building

  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games

  • 750 BCE

    Greek colonies established in Southern Italy & Sicily Invention of Greek alphabet Homeric poems recorded in writing (750-700)

  • 730 BCE

    First Messenian War Sparta invades Messenia (730-710) Naxos founded (734) Syracuse founded (733

  • 650 BCE

    Earliest Lyric Poets

  • 640 BCE

    Second Messenian War Sparta invades Messenia (640-630) Cyrene founded (630

  • 630 BCE

    Sappho born in Lesbos

  • 625 BCE

    Thales (625-545) born in Miletos

  • 594 BCE

    Solon replaces the Draconian law in Athens and lays the foundation for Democracy. He introduced to Athens the first coinage and a system of weights and measures

  • 569 BCE

    Pythagoras (ca. 569-475) born in Samos

  • 546 BCE

    Pisistratos becomes tyrant of Athens

  • 527 BCE

    Pesistratos Dies. His sons become tyrants of Athens

  • 252 BCE

    Red-figure pottery developed in Athens