Greece Timeline Project

  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    After Troy kidnapped Queen Helen of Sparta, Greece called war on Troy. After battles and sea travel, Greece took an innovative approach. The Greeks built a large wooden horse to bring outside Troy. When Troy received this “gift,” they brought it into their city. This allowed the Greek soldiers hidden inside the horse to enter the city and win the war from the inside. Though this war was discovered fictional, it is still a great part of Greek History and what the ancient Greeks believed in.
  • 776 BCE

    The Olympics

    The Olympics
    The Olympic Games originated in Greece in 776 B.C. They were held every four years during a religious festival to honor the mighty god Zeus. The games were held at Olympia, a religious site near the coast of the Peloponnesian peninsula, which is where the name originates The games have developed into a very important competition of many sports. The Olympics that started in ancient Greece have been modified over time. Today it is a competition between nations which is vital in our society today.
  • 507 BCE


    Athens had several forms of government in its time. Monarchy, oligarchy, and finally democracy. Democracy is a rule by the people that allows citizens to make their own decisions. Athens had a direct democracy where people would vote directly for laws they wanted passed. Athens also had assemblies where citizens could contribute ideas. In this direct democracy, citizens had more freedom to present opinions.
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    The Battle of Marathon was the first battle of the Persian Wars. Greece won this battle through the phalanx formation in Marathon, which is a fighting formation with spears and shields. After Greece won this battle, Pheidippides ran 26 miles to tell Athens of the victory. This is why a 26 mile race is called a marathon. This battle was very significant to Greek history because the phalanx formation was a very important strategic structure in history, and Greece’s victory was also very important.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    The second battle of the Persian Wars was an attempt to stop Xerxes from taking control of Athens. The battle was three hundred Spartans and seven thousand other Greeks against ten thousand Persians. The Greeks were severely down in numbers. All the Greeks were united for this battle, however they were still unable to win, despite holding Thermopylae for three days. This was a difficult battle for the Greeks, which is very important in Greek history because Greece was not always successful.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    Battle of Salamis
    The Battle of Salamis was the third and last battle of the Persian Wars. It was a sea battle between the Greeks and the Persians. The greeks sunk ⅓ of Persian fleet in this battle. This was a turning point in the war, because it is when the greeks won the wars officially. Their fighting tactics, strength, and determination through this battle were so important for Greece. These wars were very essential to Greece, because they finally won.
  • 478 BCE

    Effect of Persian Wars

    Effect of Persian Wars
    After the Greek victory of the Persian Wars, Greece became free from Persian threat. Athens became very powerful and started the Delian League. This was an alliance that formed to provide common defense against Persia in case of attack. Athens also built a very powerful empire. This consisted of colonies along the Black Sea, Turkey, and the Mediterranean. Greece became very powerful and wealthy after this war, which was a huge turning point in history.
  • 356 BCE

    Alexander The Great

    Alexander The Great
    Whether or not Alexander the Great was a true hero is a very controversial topic. However, his presence is very significant to Greek history. By establishing the largest empire, he sparked loyalty among the people. Although Alexander killed many, he figured it was for the good of the Greeks. He was a great leader in battle, which was very beneficial to Greeks in important wars. Additionally, he seized land in Egypt, calling it Alexandria. This is important because he still has impact today.