500 BCE
The Peloponnesian League
The Peloponnesian League was a rebellion led by Sparta during 550-336 BCE. Sparta created the league in hopes to rebel the Delian league which was giving too much power to Athens. Other city-states were living in fear and spite because of the Delian League. Sparta saw his opportunity to take over and created the Peloponnesian league. It was the longest lasting political association in the Greek world. -
499 BCE
The Persian War
The persian war was fought between Persian Empire and Greece. The war begun as a result of Darius vowing to defeat the Greeks after the greeks helped one of their colonies rebel against Persia. The War lasted from 499-449 BCE during which three battles occurred battle of marathon, Battle of Thermopylae, and last the battle of salamis. This war was significant because it allowed Greece to be Liberated and the Delian League emerges which begins the Golden age of Athens. -
490 BCE
The Battle of Marathon
The Battle of Marathon was the first of the three battles of the persian war. The Battle of MArathon occurred between 490-480 BCE. The greeks one through the phalanx formation at the city-state Marathon. After the battle the Pheidippides ran 26 miles into Athens making the name the battle of marathon. It was significant to history because it was the first war to use that formation that would wildly become known and used. -
479 BCE
The Golden Age
The Golden Age of Athens was a time when Athens became very wealthy and powerful as a result of being the leaders Delian League after the Persian Wars. The Golden Age of Athens occurred between 479-731 BCE, or the Persian War and the Peloponnesian War. It was significant because it caused Athens to have an economic prosperity which led to the Golden Age of culture. (sculpture, theater, philosophy) and democracy. -
478 BCE
Delian League
The formation of the delian League came as the result of the Persian war. Athens created the Delian League to make sure Greece could be prepared in case of another attack. The delian League collected money from each city-state so they could be insured protection against Persia. Athens was was too powerful though so none of the city-states could leave without being overrun by athenians. The significance of the Delian League was it allowed the golden age of Athens to emerge. -
431 BCE
The Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian War was a war against the Delian League led by Athens and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. It was fought on the Greek Mainland, Asia minor, and sicily. It was fought between 431-404 BC, but it was split into three phases the archidamian war, the peace of nicias and the sicilian expedition, and finally the Ionian war. The significance of this war was it ended in the defeat of the Delian league. -
336 BCE
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great II was the son of Philip the II,, who was the king of conquered Greece. Then Philip the II died making Alexander the King at only 20. He was ruler from 336-323 BCE.. He conquered Greece, Anatolia, Egypt, Persia, and India in that order and created his empire. He died at the age of 33 from malaria after conquering India, so his empire ended up splitting between different generals. He was significant because of his massive empire and ability to conquer others.. -
323 BCE
Hellenistic Age
The Hellenistic age was the time when Alexander’s empire combined the knowledge of 4 great empires. The empires were Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India. The time created the Hellenistic culture of arts and knowledge. This time period occurred between 323-31 BC approximately. They used realism in their art. This period of time was significant because it lasted over 10 BC and it is still a very famous time for art in today’s world.