Greece & Rome Timeline

  • 753 BCE

    City of Rome is founded.

    City of Rome is founded.
    City of Rome is founded by Romulus and Remus. Romulus killed Remus and named the city of Rome after himself.
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic

    Roman Republic
    The Roman Republic is founded and elected officials to rule the Senate. Patricians were the higher class who had more of a say in the government then the plebeians. Plebeians were the lower class, had no say in the government, but the government gave them free food and drinks at events they went to.
  • 499 BCE

    Persian Wars

    Persian Wars
    King Darius invaded Greece at the city of Marathon. Sparta had troops at Marathon to help fight against the Persians. They used the phalanx technique that is how they won. By the 2nd invasion, Xerxes led the Persians tried to win again by getting through Thermopylae, but the Spartans were waiting for the Persians. The Greeks won by using their military technique.
  • 480 BCE

    Golden Age of Athens

    Golden Age of Athens
    The Golden Age of Athens was when Pericles educated many people. Pericles taught people Math and Science to build the structures in Athens. Athens was known for its building and its architectures.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    The Peloponnesian War was between Athens and Sparta. It was a long 27 year long war. Athens crowded behind the walls of the city. They were cramped and dirty living conditions led a plaque. Many people died from this sickness such as Pericles. Athens could not leave and get food or supplies, they ventilation surrendered to Sparta.
  • 320 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Alexander the Great dies in Babylon. Alexander became one of the greatest generals in history. He conquered more than 70 cities and many after his name. He was the one of the best military generals in history. After he died, his empire got split into 3 major kingdoms.
  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Punic Wars
    The Punic War was fought between Rome and Carthage. Rome wanted to more land so they invaded Carthage. After the whole war ended, Rome got control of Carthage.
  • 59 BCE

    1st Triumvirate

    1st Triumvirate
    The first Triumvirate was between Julius Caesar,Pompey and Crassus. Julius and Pompey tried to gain on Crassus, but the plan didn't work because he died in battle.
  • 43 BCE

    2nd Triumvirate

    2nd Triumvirate
    The second Triumvirate is between Marc Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus. Antony and Octavian tried to gain up on Lepidus, but they failed and the Triumvirate fell.
  • 31 BCE

    Augustus Rules

    Augustus Rules
    In 31, Octavia known as Augustus ruled Rome. Augustus led Rome's transformation from Republic to empire. Augustus becomes the first emperor of Rome.