• Cold War

    The Cold war starts in 1947 in Greece
  • Cold War Ends

    Cold War Ends
    The Cold War ends in 1991 and Greece is free
  • Huzza! Huzza! Zadar is here

    Huzza! Huzza! Zadar is here
    Zadar conquers Athens the Capital of Greecenand turns it to a beautiful sea side city called Zadar of course.
  • Galadiators Freedom!!

    Galadiators Freedom!!
    In 815 Spartucus a a-wall Greek a gladiators because he left the fort without permisson, had a rebillon in which the Romans a nd the Greeks fought togethers to stop but the army failed because Spartucus killed all the men of power.
  • Colosseum

    The greek people started building the Colosseun in 70 b.c. and the Colosseumin Greece was finnaly finished in 80 b.c.

    In 810 it was decided that prisoners, slaves, any man how wanted to fight would go to a galdiator school and learn.