Period: 800 BCE to 701 BCE
Homer's lifespan
776 BCE
Ancient Greece Was Born
753 BCE
Birth of Rome
Period: 650 BCE to 600 BCE
Draco's Lifespan
Period: 640 BCE to 558 BCE
Solon's Lifespan
Period: 569 BCE to 496 BCE
Pythagoras´ lifespan
Period: 523 BCE to 456 BCE
Aeschylus´ lifespan
509 BCE
Founding of the Roman Republic
500 BCE
Greek Mythology Starts
500 BCE
Ancient Athens Was Born
500 BCE
Ancient Sparta Was Born
Period: 500 BCE to 430 BCE
Phidias´ lifespan
Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE
Persian Wars
Period: 497 BCE to 406 BCE
Sophocles´ lifespan
Period: 485 BCE to 426 BCE
Herodotus´ lifespan
Period: 470 BCE to 399 BCE
Socrates´ lifespan
Period: 461 BCE to 371 BCE
Hippocrates´ lifespan
Period: 460 BCE to 404 BCE
Thucydides´ lifespan
Period: 449 BCE to 431 BCE
Golden Age of Pericles
447 BCE
Parthenon was constructed
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
Period: 428 BCE to 348 BCE
Plato´s lifespan
400 BCE
Roman Mythology Starts
Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE
Aristotle's lifespan
Period: 382 BCE to 336 BCE
Phillip II´s lifespan
Period: 365 BCE to 300 BCE
Euclid´s lifespan
Period: 356 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander the Great's lifespan
339 BCE
Phillip II Conquered Greece
336 BCE
Alexander begins to conquer
323 BCE
Alexander´s conquest stops
Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE
Hellenistic Age
Period: 288 BCE to 212 BCE
Archimedes´ lifespan
146 BCE
Ancient Greece Ends By The Battle of Corinth
146 BCE
Evolution of Roman Empire
Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE
Julius Caesar's Lifespan
Period: 63 BCE to 14
Augustus Caesar's Lifespan
60 BCE
First Triumvirate is Assembled
53 BCE
End of the First Triumvirate
Period: 49 BCE to 45 BCE
Civil War in Rome
44 BCE
End of Roman Republic
27 BCE
Pax Romana Begins
Period: 4 BCE to 36
Jesus of Nazareth's Lifespan
1 CE
Start of Christianity
Period: 6 to 64
Apostle Paul's Lifespan
Pantheon Was Constructed
Pax Romana Ends
Period: 244 to 316
Diocletian's Lifespan
Period: 264 to 146
Punic Wars
Period: 272 to 337
Emperor Constantine's Lifespan
Split into East and West Rome
Christianity Made Legal in Rome
First Council of Nicaea
Constantinople is Capital of Eastern Rome
Visigoths Sack Rome
Fall of Rome