Great Society Timeline

  • 1966 BCE

    National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act

    National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
    Set federal safety standards for the auto and tire industries. This program is still around today.
  • 1965 BCE

    Omnibus Housing Act

    Omnibus Housing Act
    Provided money for low-income housing. The Omnibus Housing Act is no longer around.
  • 1965 BCE

    Elementary and Secondary Act

    Elementary and Secondary Act
    Directed money to schools for textbooks, library materials, and special education. This is still around today.
  • 1965 BCE

    Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    Ended the practice of requiring voters to pass literacy tests and permitted the federal government to monitor voter registration. The Voting Rights Act is still around today.
  • 1965 BCE

    Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    Ended national-origins quotas established in 1924. This is still around today.
  • 1965 BCE

    Wilderness Preservation Act

    Wilderness Preservation Act
    Set aside over 9 million acres for national forest lands. This is still around to this day.