The great society

Great Society Timeline

  • Poverty: Medicare Act

    Poverty: Medicare Act
    Established Medicare and Medicaid programs. The program is still around today and it provided hospital insurance and low cost medical insurance for almost every
    american age 65 or older. Also Medicaid extended health insurance to welfare recipients
  • Enviroment: Water Quality Act

    Enviroment: Water Quality Act
    This Act started requiring the states up their rivers. The book Silent Spring resulted for a better environment and this Act is still around today helping us still.
  • Discrimination: Immigration Act

    Discrimination: Immigration Act
    This Act ended nation-origins quotas established in 1924. This opened the door for non-European immigrants to settle in the Unites States, and yes this is still around.
  • Cities: Department of Housing and Urban Development

    Cities: Department of Housing and Urban Development
    The purpose of this act formed a administer federal housing programs. The HUD helped the moderate and poor income families pay for better housing. This was appointed by Robert Weaver and he was African american, and this is still around today.
  • Consumer Advocacy: National Traffic And Motor Vehicle Safety Act

    Consumer Advocacy: National Traffic And Motor Vehicle Safety Act
    This act set federal safety standards for the auto and tire industries. Yes, this is still around today and it was trying to correct the lows of the industries.
  • Consumer Advocacy: Truth in Packaging Act

    This act standards for labeling consumer products. This act is used today in the United States. The reason for this act is for the people to fell safer in their home and with their purchase in food.