Great Society Programs

  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    It outlawed discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and jobs. This meant increased federal power to prosecute civil rights abusers. This program is still around today and dealt with discrimination towards different races of people and is significant because ti ended segregation.
  • Wilderness Preservation Act

    It set aside 9 million acres for national forest lands. It was significant because it formed many national parks and forests and dealt with the constant loss of habitat for animals. It is still around today.
  • Medicare Act

    Medicare Act
    This act established Medicare ad Medicaid programs. It was significant because it gave healthcare to the elderly and it dealt with high costs of doctors appointments. The act is still around today.
  • Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Area Redevelopment Act

    Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Area Redevelopment Act
    The act funded slum rebuilding, mass transit, and other improvements for selected "model cities." It was important because it helped build up cities and let people be able to transit to work each day.
  • Department of Transportation

    It was created to deal with national, air, rail, and highway transportation. It is important because it helped improve conditions of roads and rails. The department is still in effect.
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting

    Corporation for Public Broadcasting
    It was formed to fund educational TV and radio broadcasting. It helped to give people something to watch that was educational and not mindless. It is still in effect today.