Dec 11, 1305
Philip IV persuaded the College of Cardinals to choose a French Archbishop as the new pope.
Clement V, new pope, moved from Rome to Avigon in France. Popes lived there for the next 69 years. This move weakened the Church. -
Dec 8, 1378
Great Schism Began
The Great Schism was a division in the medieval Roman Catholic Church, during which rival popes were established in Avigon and in Rome.
How did this come about? -
Dec 11, 1378
Pope Gregory XI died.
After Pope Gregory's death Urban VI was ellected and his arrogant personality caused the cardinals to elect a second pope. This was Robert of Geneva, he took the name Clement VII. Now with two popes each declared the other to be false. This all began the split in the Church called the Great Schism. -
Dec 11, 1414
The Council of Constance attempted to end the Great Schism by choosing a single pope.
At this time there was three popes and were all forced to resign. -
Dec 11, 1417
New pope chosen.
Martin V was chosen, this ending the Great Schism.