Great Plains

  • The Great Plains Reservation

    The Great Plains Reservation
    Federal gvt. passes an act that makes the entire Great Plains one large reservation.
  • Separate Reservations

    Separate Reservations
    Gvt. policy changes and specific reservation boundaries were assigned to each tribe.
  • Massacre at Sand Creek

    Massacre at Sand Creek
    General S. R. Curtus sent his men to wipe out theCheyenne and Arapaho tribes camping at Sand Creek, CO. Over 150 Native Americans were killed.
  • Battle of the Hundred Slain / Fetterman Massacre

    Battle of the Hundred Slain / Fetterman Massacre
    Crazy Horse ambushed Capitail William J. Fetterman and his men at Lodge Trail Ridge. Over 80 soldiers were killed. The conflict was the result of the Bozeman Trail which angered the Native Americans because it went through their land.
  • Raid

    Kiowa and Comanche tribes enguage in 6 years of raiding.
  • Red River War

    Red River War
    The Red River War begins after six years of raids.
  • Custer's Last Stand

    Custer's Last Stand
    The Sioux and Cheyenne tribes take on General Custer and his men at Little Big Horn. Custer and all of his men died.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    The Dawes Act is passed, trying to "Americanize" the Native Americans. Most of this was done by offering land to them. If they refused, the land went to settlers.
  • The Battle of Wounded Knee

    The Battle of Wounded Knee
    The 7th Calvary rounded up approximately 350 Sioux indians and took them to a camp at Wounded Knee. The Native Americans were later ordered to give up their weapons. A shot was fired, and the Calvary soldiers slaughtered about 300 Native Americans. This event brought the Indian wars to an end.