Great Discoveries of Chemistry Timeline

  • oxygen

    discovered by Joseph Priestly
  • Atomic Theory

    Discovered by John Dalton
  • electricity

    Humphry Davy melted pot ash and ran wires from his biggest battery to form pure potassium.
  • Molecules

    Discovered by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
  • Synthesis of urea

    discovered by Friedrich Wohler
  • Atoms have signatures of light

    discovered by Robert Bunsen
  • Chemical structure

    Discovered by Friedrich August Kekule
  • Periodic Table of elements

    Dimitri mendeleev
  • Radioactivity

    Henri Bequerel
  • Electrons

    Joseph Thompson
  • Plastic

    Leo Baekeland
  • Chemical Bonds

    Gilbert Lewis
  • Fullerness

    Richard Smalley