great depression timeline

  • Smoot-Hawley tarric act

    Smoot-Hawley tarric act
    Raised taxes on 900 importnats.
  • Smoot-Hawley tarric act

    Smoot-Hawley tarric act
    Raised taxes on 900 imports, this helped us make alot more money
  • Revenue Act of 1932

    Revenue Act of 1932
    The president signed the Act to increase the top income tax rate
  • New president

    New president
    FDR made some of his best decisions during this turn for the better of America
  • Share Our Wealth!

    Share Our Wealth!
    Louisiana Governor Huey Long starts a movement(Share Our Wealth) making annual income limitations to 1million $. Also inheritances to $5million.
  • Corporate Bankruptcy Act

    Corporate Bankruptcy Act
    This Act becomes a Law this year, and the law makes corporates assets and money be used to pay debts
  • Rural Electrification Act

    Rural Electrification Act
    This Act was signed to power electricity for farmers
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This Act was passed to provide benefits for old-aged people and people with special needs
  • Re election!!

    Re election!!
    FDR is reelected as president again for his second term
  • Economy boom

    Economy boom
    The economy grew 5.1 percent and unemployment was at a low 14.3%
  • Economy boom

    Economy boom
    the economy grew 5.1%
  • WW2

    What nobody knows yet is that this sets up one of Americas greatest victory
  • End of The depression!

    End of The depression!
    As the depression was ending our military was growing and becoming stronger!
  • War on japan

    War on japan
    This day Japan attack Paul Harbor, The economy grew though 17.1%