Period: to
The Great Depression
The great depression was a national nightmare
-During the 1920's many americans had started to equate their selfworth with their material possesions
-when the great depression struck people felt worthless
-the worst unemployment rate was 25% in 1933 (13-15 million) -
20th amendment
The 20th amendment was written because the constitution was ratified to reduce the amount of time lame duck presidents and congressmen had to push policies before the new administration and legislators took over -
New Deal
Robert taft opposed to the FDR and his opposition to the new deal was based on the idea that Gov. should leave the private sector to deal with issues of welfare and employment should remain "small" -
Gold Reserve Act
The Gold Reserve Act gave the government the power to peg the value of the dollar to gold and adjust it as it pleased -
Migrant mother
Dorothea was a documentary photographer
-she focused mainly on people she met and on farms and random people
-she was the first female awarded the Guggenheim fellowship and has a big impact on many photographers life