Great Depression

By seanm19
  • WW1-ends

    treaty of versailles officially ended war
  • Hoover

    Herbert hoover was elected president. he was nominated as first ballot at repub;lican party national convention
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    wall street stock market crashes.
  • smot-hawley tarif act

    act to regulate commerce with a foreign country
  • First bank panic

    First bank panic
    severe decline in money supply led to many banks closing
  • 1930 midterm elections

    democratic party gain 49 seats from the republics in the house of representatives
  • food riots

    food riots
    serveral hundred people break into stores for food
  • Period: to


    FDR jhelped amercians get ou of depression by creating the new dfeals
  • emergency banking act

    stabilize the economy after the great depression by helping banks to reopen
  • Period: to

    first 100 days

    her begins new deals and starts attempt with fixing th eUS depression
  • unemployment hit 25%

    12.8million unemployed people. almost 25%. highest percentage of unemployed of depressionm
  • Period: to

    first new deal

    the first new deal policies that included fiscal policies, banking reform,monentary perform, repeal of prohibition, and helped the poor
  • tennessee valley authority

    to proivd navigation, flood control.,electricity generation fertilization manufacturing economic develpment in the tennessee valley
  • Period: to

    second new deal

    the second new deal helped and added new and better things the first new deal didnt have and they created social security
  • fdr attempts to stack the court

    to add more justice to the supreme court
  • the united states enters world war II

    after pearl harbor is bombed and america joins world war II