
Great Depression and the Dust Bowl

  • The Wall Street Crash

    The Wall Street Crash
    A major American stock market crash known as the Wall Street Crash of 1929 where share prices on the New York Stock Exchange collapsed. This was the beginning of the Great Depression.
  • The Dust Bowl Begins

    The Dust Bowl Begins
    A drought hits 23 states across the US, from the mid-Atlantic to around the Mississippi River. This was the beginning of the Dust Bowls. Farmers were unable to grow crops, pushing many farmers out of their land. Many people began to starve.
  • The Bank of the US Fails

    The Bank of the US Fails
    The fourth largest bank in the United States collapses causing the biggest failure in a bank at the time. It had more than $200 million in deposits, which made it the largest bank failure in the history of the United States and was one of the most hard-hitting events during the Great Depression.
  • President Roosevelt is Elected

    President Roosevelt is Elected
    Democratic candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States after winning against Hoover. Roosevelt got 22,800,000 votes and Hoover got 15,750,000.
  • The First Hundred Days

    The First Hundred Days
    President Roosevelt begins his first hundred days in office, and passes 15 new laws to help combat the depression. He also begins something called the "Fireside Chats" where he would publicly broadcast his plans and reasoning for making certain laws.
  • Beer-Wine Revenue Act

    Beer-Wine Revenue Act
    The Beer-Wine Revenue Act raises revenue by placing taxes on alcohol sales. Prohibition is officially repealed by the 21st amendment in December ending the Prohibition era.
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    This was the worst dust storm of the dust bowl. It hit farmers hard, so President Roosevelt introduced the Soil Conservation Act
  • Creation of the Works Progress Administration

    Creation of the Works Progress Administration
    The Works Progress Administration is created by the Emergency Relief Appropriation, hiring 8.5 million people to help with the unemployment crisis.
  • Spending on New Deal Programs Cut

    Spending on New Deal Programs Cut
    President Roosevelt cut back spending on the New Deal programs, which pushed the economy back into the depression. A $5 billion relief program was enacted by Congress, the economy grew by 5.1%.
  • The U.S. Enters WWII

    The U.S. Enters WWII
    When the United States enters the war after Pearl Harbour. The country was finally able to get out of the Great Depression by mobilising for war. The United States would emerge as the only economic superpower in the world afterwards.