Great Depression and Dust Bowl

  • Droughts

    Severe droughts in the Midwest and Southern Plains.
  • Dust Storms

    Dust storm numbers are increasing.
  • Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt tales office.
  • Emergency Farm Mortgage Act

    The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act gives refinancing mortgages for farmers who are close to foreclosing.
  • Spread of Dust Storms

    Dust storms spread from the Dust Bowl area. Worst ever drought in U.S. history.
  • Black Sunday

    The Dust Bowl's worst “black blizzard” occurs, causing a lot of damage.
  • Soil Erosion

    In an act Congress establishes the Soil Conservation Service in the Department of Agriculture due to soil erosion.
  • Shelterbelt Project

    FDR’s Shelterbelt Project begins. Planting trees all across the Great Plains.
  • Inaugural Address

    In his second inaugural address, Roosevelt addresses the nation.
  • Rain

    The rain finally comes in the fall ending the drought.