Great Depression

By UGH123
  • Stock Market Crash

    People started to sell stocks at a rapid rate. As well as some people having bought stocks on credit. This de-valued stocks and crashing the market
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    Unemployment During the Depression

    30% of workforce unemployed by 1935. Gross National Expenditure fell by 42%. In 1933 unemployment was at 19%. The lowest unemployment rate before WWII was 9.1% in 1937. It stayed in a poor state until the start of WWII.
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    The Dust Bowl

    The dust bowl greatly affected the prairie provinces. Lowering productivity to a standstill and making many farmers lose their houses and jobs.
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    R.B. Bennett's time in office

  • Radical Political Movements

    Radical Political Movements
    People were desperate for a change because of how the government refused to take action for years. This lead to some people looking for radical solutions.
  • Unemployment Relief Camps

    The government gave unemployed men a way to earn some money via relief camps. Unemployed men were paid 20 cents a day for hard labor.
  • Formation of the CCF

    The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation or now the NDP was founded during the depression.
  • Women Win the Right to Hold Office in New Brunswick

    Women were first allowed to have an active role in governing the general populous.
  • Bennett's New Deal

    Bennett proposed his "New Deal" in order to assist Canadians through the depression. The deal included progressive taxation, maximum number of work hours a week, minimum wage, stronger working condition regulations, unemployment insurance, health insurance, revised pension plan, agricultural support.
  • On-to-Ottawa Trek

    Men from the Relief Camps traveled to Vancouver, Ottawa and Regina to protest against the camps, culminating in the Regina Riot
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    Makenzie King's time in office

  • Regina Riot

    The Regina Riot was a violent continuation of the On-to-Ottawa Trek
  • Unemployment

    Unemployment reached an all time high in the 30s and the masses were outraged. This lead to mass protesting.
  • WWII