Graphic Design

  • Period: 1400 to

    Graphic Design

  • 1439

    Invention of the Gutenberg press

    Invention of the Gutenberg press
    The Gutenberg press paved the way for more commercial uses of design, which ushered in the era of graphic design as we know it.
  • The Wiener Werkstätte

    The Wiener Werkstätte
    First Graphic Design Agency
  • Grapic Design

    Graphic Design appears the first time
  • Paul Rand

    Paul Rand publishes Thoughts on Design
  • A glimpse into the digital era 1950- Onward

    A glimpse into the digital era 1950- Onward
    From the 1950s onward, the world began its slow approach to the digital era we’re currently enjoying
  • What it is today