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The evolution of graphic design

  • 1500 BCE

    Pictographs and symbols in the Lascaux caves in southern France represent the first known visual communication.

    Pictographs and symbols in the Lascaux caves in southern France represent the first known visual communication.
  • 105 BCE

    Chinese government official Ts’ai Lun is credited with inventing paper.

    Chinese government official Ts’ai Lun is credited with inventing paper.
  • 60 BCE

    The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, which contained texts intended to aid the deceased in the afterlife

    The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, which contained texts intended to aid the deceased in the afterlife
  • 1276

    Printing arrives in Europe with a paper mill in Fabriano, Italy.

     Printing arrives in Europe with a paper mill in Fabriano, Italy.
  • 1450

    Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg is credited with perfecting the system for printing type in books.

    Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg is credited with perfecting the system for printing type in books.
  • 1530

    Claude Garamond opens the first type foundry, developing and selling fonts to printers.

    Claude Garamond opens the first type foundry, developing and selling fonts to printers.
  • The Industrial Revolution begins and sets the stage for advances in graphic design production.

    The Industrial Revolution begins and sets the stage for advances in graphic design production.
  • Author Aloys Senefelder develops lithography, the first "planographic" printing method, which used a flat surface and set the stage for modern offset printing.

    Author Aloys Senefelder develops lithography, the first "planographic" printing method, which used a flat surface and set the stage for modern offset printing.
  • The Arts and Crafts Movement originated in Britain during the late 19th century and was characterized by a style of decoration reminiscent of medieval times.

    The Arts and Crafts Movement originated in Britain during the late 19th century and was characterized by a style of decoration reminiscent of medieval times.
  • The Art Nouveau movement begins, making its way into all types of commercial design and utilized all types of arts.

    The Art Nouveau movement begins, making its way into all types of commercial design and utilized all types of arts.
  • Dada was a cultural movement that was concentrated on anti-war politics which then made its way to the art world through art theory, art manifestoes, literature, poetry and eventually graphic design and the visual arts.

    Dada was a cultural movement that was concentrated on anti-war politics which then made its way to the art world through art theory, art manifestoes, literature, poetry and eventually graphic design and the visual arts.
  • The Bauhaus design school opens in Germany.

    The Bauhaus design school opens in Germany.
  • Art Deco, with its bold geometrics and high contrast colors, becomes mainstream.

    Art Deco, with its bold geometrics and high contrast colors, becomes mainstream.
  • The Times New Roman typeface is created by Stanley Morrison and commissioned by the Times of London.

    The Times New Roman typeface is created by Stanley Morrison and commissioned by the Times of London.
  • Legendary graphic designer Paul Rand releases his first book, Thoughts on Design, influencing modern designers for decades to come.

     Legendary graphic designer Paul Rand releases his first book, Thoughts on Design, influencing modern designers for decades to come.
  • Pop Art Pop was created by the New York artists as Andy Warho

    Pop Art Pop was created by the New York artists as Andy Warho
  • Helvetica is developed by Max Miedinger and rapidly becomes a popular and standard typeface.

    Helvetica is developed by Max Miedinger and rapidly becomes a popular and standard typeface.
  • The first version of Adobe Photoshop is released, creating a revolution in the way graphic designers work.

    The first version of Adobe Photoshop is released, creating a revolution in the way graphic designers work.