Sep 25, 1300
In the 1300s the Bubonic Plauge struck cities hard, killing 60% of the population -
Sep 25, 1434
Cosimo de Medici won control of Florence's government. -
Sep 25, 1453
Hundred year's war ended between France and England. -
Sep 25, 1453
Curistians scholars in Constantinople fled to Rome with Greek manascripts when the Turks conquerd Constantinople -
Sep 27, 1455
The first Bible was completly finished. -
Sep 25, 1464
Cosimo de Medici Died, But his family continued to control Florence. -
Sep 26, 1469
His grandson Lorenzo de Medici came to power. -
Sep 26, 1492
Columbus Reaches Americas -
Sep 26, 1494
Albrecht Durer traveled to Italy to study. -
Sep 26, 1494
A French king claimed the throne of Naples in Southern Italy and launched an through Northern Italy. -
Sep 26, 1517
Martin Luther Begins the Reformation in wittenberg. -
Sep 27, 1517
Martain Luther posted the 95 theses statement on the dorr of the castle church in Wittenburge. -
Sep 26, 1519
Leonardo da Vinci died. -
Sep 27, 1520
Zwingli openly attacks abuse in the Catholic Church. -
Sep 26, 1529
German prices who remained loyal to the pope. -
Sep 26, 1529
Henry called parliment into session and asked into pass aset of laws. -
Sep 27, 1531
A war between Swiss and Catholic. -
Oct 1, 1543
Scientific Revolution
Copernicus finaly published his findings. It was also the year he died. -
Sep 26, 1558
Mary died. -
Sep 27, 1572
A very bad clash happened in Paris-- the Catholic feast Catholic of St. Bartholomew's Day. -
Sep 27, 1580
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Philip became king. He seized the Portuguees kingdom. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Prince Henry became Henry the IV the first king of the Bourbon dynasty in France. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Henry declared that the Huguenots could live in peace in France and set their own house of worship in some cities. -
Rulers would seek more power for morthelves. -
Scientific Revolution
Galileo manufactured his own telescope. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
A bad guy jumped in the royal carriage and stabbed Henry to death. -
Scientific Revolution
Galileo published a small book titled Starry Messenger, that described his outstanding observations. -
Scientific Revolution
The Catholic Church warned Galileo not to defend the ideas of Copernicus. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Louis appointed a strong minister who made up for all of Louis's weaknesses. -
Scientific Revolution
Galileo published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. -
Scientific Revolution
Under the threat of torture Galileo stood before the court. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Louis became king. -
Scientific Revolution
Evangelista Torricelli manufactuered the first mercury barometer. -
Age of absolute Monarchs
The Thirty Years' War ended. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Cardinal Mazarin died. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Louis attacked Spain's Netherlands hopping to expand France's boundaries. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Louis canceled the Edict of Nantes, which protected the religious freedom of Huguenots. -
Scientific Revolution
Newton published his ideas in a work named The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. -
Scientific Revolution
Gaberial Fahrenheit invented a thremometer that showed water freezing at 32F. -
Age of Absolute Monarchs
Louis died in his bed. News of his death promted rejoicing throughout France. -
Scientific Revolution
Andres Celsius invented a thermometer that showed water freezing at 0C.