Sch dow1950

Life of Joann!

  • My Grandma was Born

    JoAnn Osburn/Golata was born in Jerseyville, Illinois.
  • World War II Ends

    World War II Ends
    On September 2nd, 1945, World War II came to an end after six years. The war came to an end when the Axis powers (Italy, Germany, Japan, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania) surrendered against the Allies (U.S., Britain, France, Australia, USSR, Brazil, Canada, China, Greece, Denmark, South Africa, Poland, Yugoslavia, Norway, New Zealand, and the Netherlands).
  • Joann's brother Robert was born.

  • Joann's sister Mary was born.

    One year after Joann's brother was born, her sister Mary was born.
  • Jackie Robinson Breaks Color Barrier

    Jackie Robinson Breaks Color Barrier
    Jackie Robinson
    On April 10th, 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier for the MLB, playing with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Despite the racist name callings, Robinson played his hardest, being awarded with the first-ever Rookie of the Year award. Within the first two years of playing, he was known as the most valuable player. He turned all of the negativity around, and turned it into a very valuable career.
  • Gandhi is Assassinated

    Gandhi is Assassinated
    The assassination of Mohandas Gandhi
    The peace maker Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was assassinated at his final prayer meeting in New Delhi. During the meeting, a Hindu nationalist approached Gandhi, shooting him in the chest three times. He passed away inside of the Birla House, which is now known as the Gandhi Smirti.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War
    The Korean War was forced by the United States, and was fought between North and South Korea. North Korean forces inveded South Korea, which turned into open-warfare. The open-warfare was seen as an invasion, which caused a forced ceasefire. The war continued for three years, making many people thinking that it would make a transition to WW III. Over time, there has never been a signed peace treaty between the two Koreas, and it seems they are still in a cold war, waiting for war to break out.
  • Joann starts school.

    Joann starts school.
    Joann attends the 1st grade at Dow, in Jerseyville, Illinois. (She's the first one in the first row.)
  • 22nd Amendment is Officialized

    22nd Amendment is Officialized
    22nd Amendment
    When this law came through, it limited the presidents to two four year terms in the office. Before this amendment was finalized, presidents would traditionally serve two terms, but Franklin D. Roosevelt broke that tradition; serving four terms. After those four terms were completed, many people within the country decided that it was bad for one president to serve four terms.
  • Vietnam's Divide

    Vietnam's Divide
    The Divide of Vietnam
    The south side of Vietnam was Democratic, while the North half was Communist. Both North and South Vietnam collided, when the Geneva Accords held a vote on whether they should reunify two years after their split. Two years came, but they still remained as a divided country. The clash of the country shortly began the Vietnam War.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Mongomery Bus Boyott
    15 year-old Rosa Parks is an African American girl, in the front row of the black half of the bus. A white man enters the bus, in need of a seat, since the white section was full. Using nonviolence, she resisted to move. That resistence got her arrested and she was fined $10. She became the face of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The Boycott went into effect on December 5th, led by Martin Luther King Jr. Nearly a year later, segregated busing was declared unconstitutional.
  • Joann goes to Jerseyville High School.

    Joann goes to Jerseyville High School.
    Joann went to Jerseyville high school, and completed her Freshman year. She moved to Bowler, Wisconsin, and finished the rest of her high school years.
  • Joann moves to Bowler, Wisconsin.

    Joann's family moved to Bowler, Wisconsin, shortly after Sophmore year began for the teenagers in Wisconsin.
  • Joann begins Sophmore year at Bowler High School.

    Joann begins Sophmore year at Bowler High School.
    Once Joann's family got settled down in Bowler, she began her Sophmore year of high school. She started school three weeks late, because of her big transition to Bowler.
  • Berlin Wall Constuction

    Berlin Wall Constuction
    The Berlin Wall
    East Germany began to construct the Berlin Wall to seperate East and West Berlin. They began to build the wall when many families often tried to escape from the communism in East Berlin. Commanders of the U.S. army began to plan the bulldozing of the Berlin Wal, but soon gave up when Soviets felt the need to protect the wall. Over years, the wall began to symbolize the Cold War.
  • Joann graduates from Bowler High School.

    She graduated successfully from Bowler high school after three years.
  • Joann moves to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    Joann moves to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
    Shortly after her high school graduation, she packed up her belongings and moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her best friend.
  • "I Have a Dream"

    "I Have a Dream"
    I Have a Dream
    Martin Luther King Jr. presented his speech "I Have a Dream" at the Civil Rghts March, in front of a crowd of 200,000. This speech was to end the racism in the United States, which it did many years later.
  • JFK's Assasination

    JFK's Assasination
    JFK's Assasination
    John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated as he was traveling with his wife. Kennedy's death was very fatal, being shot in his head. His death marked the fourth successful presidential assassination.
  • My grandma meets my grandpa.

    My grandma meets my grandpa.
    When Joann moved to a new location in Milwaukee, she met the boy next door. That boy just happened to be my grandfather. If my grandma wouldn't have moved, I probably wouldn't be here today. I'm just extremely lucky to have great grandparents like them.