I was born at Sandringham Hospital, Melbourne. The time was 9:43 am (9043) and I weighed 4035g (4.035 kg). -
Moved to Tasmainia (Wayatinah)
When I was nine months old we moved from Phillip Island, Victoria to Wayatinah, Tasmania. The reason we moved to Tasmania was becuase of the work. Dad was a fish farmer and got a job and the hatchery in Wayatinah and there was alot more fishfarming and aquacluture jobs down here. -
Moved to Nubeena
We lived in a house behind a hardware store. It was a two story house with quit a large yard. We lived in that house for about a year to a year and a half before moving again. -
Moved to Premaydena
We moved to Premaydena after living in Nubeena for about a year to a year and a half. We had five acres of land and grew and few cows and vegetables, and owned sheep and Rams, chickens and one dog, Our dogs name was Max and he was a German cooli, our Sheep and Rams names were Rambo, phyllis, boots and lulu, our chickens names were Trancey, Corn, Blacky and Nancy and our, cows names were Mango, Blacky and Magpie -
First Day at school
I started school at Tasman District School. I went there in Knider and Prep. The best thing about the school was that there was a massive mesh wheel that you could spin around and then you would jump on and it would spin for ages. The worst thing was that only high school kids were allowed on the oval. -
First Game of Soccer
When I was in kinder I was playing for my local soccer team.Everyone would turn up on a Saturday and split into two roughly even teams. I remeber one time I was standing on the wing "day dreaming" and the ball rolled straight past me. -
First AFL Game
My first AFL game that I went to was St Kilda vs Richmond. St kilda won which I wasn't too happy about the time because I used to go for Richmond. -
Went Around Australia
In 2007 and 2008 we went around Australia, in our Nissan Patrol and Jayco Caravan. We visited many different sites such as, the Big Mango. Lobster, Banana, Cow, Crocodile and big Prawn/Yabby. By big I mean, roughly the size of a big mining truck. -
Started at Mount Tarcoola Primary School
Mount Tarcoola Primary School is based in Geraldton Western Australia -
First Ever Game of football
This was my first ever game of football. -
Started at Snug Primary School
I started in Grade 2. -
Moved to Snug
We moved to Snug and have been living there since 2009 -
Went to the Cross-Country Nationals
Won Best and Fairest
I won Best and Fairest for my football team in 2011. I played for Channel and had been dreaming of winning the Best and Fairest for years. for two years running, in 2009 and 2010, I got Runner-Up Best and Fairest, so I was pleased to finally get Best and Fairest. -
We got Charlie
Charlie was born on the 21st of December. He is half Border Collie and half Cocker Spaniel. -
First Game of Cricket
I played my first game of cricket for Snug U13's -
Blue vs Gold U12's Development series
I made it too the Gold Development Team and got into the best players. -
Finished Primary School
when I finished Primary school it was a downting going into Grade 7 -
Started at Hutchins
This was a very important start to the year for me because it was my first semster, term and year at Hutchins. I have settled in now and it feels normal to go to Hutchins. At the start of the year it felt new and I didn't feel comfortable going to school on the first couple of days -
First Football game for Sandy Bay
This was my first football game for Sandy Bay. We versed Claremont and won 20.10-130 to 0.2-2. It was great to win by 128 points on my first game with Sandy Bay