Grace Bean TimeToast Activity

By grabea1
  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    I was born on July 11th, 2000, at 8:14pm. I was born at Evanston Hospital.
  • Short Term Goals of 2015/2016 School Year

    Short Term Goals of 2015/2016 School Year
    For this year, I would like to accomplish raising my GPA, focus on getting all A's and B's, and doing well in my upcoming soccer season. I would also like to get more involved in clubs, like Athletic Training, and DM.
  • Cross Country Season

    Cross Country Season
    I participated in Cross Country for the first time, in the fall of 2015.
  • Long Term Goals (post highschool)

    I would like to stay in state for college. I want to get a job, and work towards buying a car, and moving out and getting my own apartment.
  • 5 Years Later

    I will be living in Illinois, because I want to stay close to all my family and friends.
  • 5 Years Later

    I will be living in the the city most likely, or dorming at school. I want to be able to stay close to the places where I go to school and go to work. Less travel for me, is good.
  • 5 Years Later

    I will own a car, and I would own a Jeep Rangler, or a Honda.
  • 5 Years Later

    I will still be in college. Hopfully at a good, instate school, studying Psychology or Med.
  • 5 Years Later

    5 Years Later
    I will want to have a job close to what I'm studying at school. Maybe an internship, or something along those sorts. I hope to also have a job that pays well, so I can be able to live on my own.
  • 10 Years Later

    I will own a condo or apartment, because I'd be fresh out of college or still in college.
  • 10 Years Later

    I will be engaged to be married, and will be talking about having kids. I will own 1 or 2 dogs, and maybe a cat.
  • 10 Years Later

    I will be out of college, if not continuing in grad school or med school. I want to have a job in psychology or in Med. I will be making enough money so I don't have to worry about bills that much.
  • 10 Years Later

    10 Years Later
    I will still be living in Illinois, because I want to stay close enough to my family so I can see them very often.